Gaming News

Dragonshard Community Update #6

Atari’s Shane DeFreest has sent us over a sixth community update for Dragonshard, which once again includes two new screenshots and another brief Q&A. This time, the screenshots depict another Umbragen battle and an attack against some Shard Golems. Q:…

GB Feature: Seagate 5 GB Pocket Drive Review

We bring you an in-depth look at Seagate’s 5 GB pocket drive, which just so happens to work exceptionally well for bringing all those classic games with you during your travels. An excerpt: Aside from the obvious cost-per-gigabyte advantage over…

Fable: The Lost Chapters Designer Diary

IGN PC has published a Fable: The Lost Chapters designer diary, in which lead designer Dene Carter talks about some of the new feautres being added to the upcoming PC version of the RPG. A snippet: We’re trying to wrap…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Review

LoadedInc has tossed up a review of Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich, giving Irrational’s superhero RPG sequel an overall score of 8.7 Their conclusion: Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich contains a new story, some new characters and updated…

Guild Wars Review

Yahoo! Games Domain has written up a review of Guild Wars, giving ArenaNet’s newly launched MMORPG an overall score of 9 Here’s why: Traditional MMORPG addicts may not find much here to tempt them away from their usual poison. Leveling…

The Matrix Online Review

Jolt Online Gaming brings us their review of The Matrix Online, giving Monolith’s sci-fi MMORPG an overall score of 7.2/10: As is so often the case with MMORPGs, The Matrix Online feels like it might have been released a little…

Dungeon Lords Site Update

The official Dungeon Lords website has been updated with information about both the base and specialized classes available in Heuristic Park’s newly released action RPG. The classes look like they’re going to be very similar to D.W. Bradley’s past RPGs,…

World of Warcraft Honor System FAQ

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with a FAQ that details the newly introduced Honor System. Here’s a bit to get you started: Q: What is a ‘Dishonorable kill’? A: Any NPC that is marked with…

Jade Empire Reviews

A pair of glowing reviews for BioWare’s Jade Empire surfaced on the web over the past couple of days. The first is at Games Are Fun with a perfect score of 10/10: Jade Empire is an evolution and the beginning…

Dungeon Siege II Beta Signups

FilePlanet has opened up a signup page for the Dungeon Siege II beta, but you’ll need to be a FilePlanet subscriber to participate. Damn!