Gaming News

E3 2005: The RPGs

Unfortunately GameBanshee was unable to attend E3 this year, but FiringSquad picks up our slack with an “E3 2005: The RPGs” article. The four-page editorial provides in-depth previews of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The Witcher, Guild Wars, City of…

Dungeon Lords Review

GamerDad is offering a review of Heuristic Park’s Dungeon Lords, giving the RPG an overall score of 3 Their conclusion to follow: As a fully finished game with working multiplayer it would be a worthwhile game to spend money buying.…

Neverwinter Nights: Pirates of the Sword Coast Q&A

The Neverwinter Vault has published a Q&A with BioWare’s Rob Bartel, in which the developer reveals the first few details about a new Neverwinter Nights premium module, Pirates of the Sword Coast. A snippet, as usual: Q: What will be…

Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows Preview

Jolt Online Gaming has kicked up a preview of Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows, based upon what is known about Midway’s action RPG so far. An excerpt: Seven Sorrows is primarily divided into two game types: a campaign mode, in which one…

Fable: The Lost Chapters Designer Diary

IGN PC has published a a new designer diary for Fable: The Lost Chapters, in which Lionhead Studios lead designer Dene Carter talks about the new Northern Wastes section of the world. Check it out: We’ve performed some initial tests…

More Information About Dungeon Lords v1.2 Patch

DreamCatcher’s Byron Gaum has once again stopped by DreamCatcher’s official forums to provide a small progress report on the upcoming v1.2 patch for Dungeon Lords. His full post: The plan is to get as much into the update as possible,…

Dungeon Lords Review

Digital Entertainment News has posted their review of Dungeon Lords, giving the RPG an overall score of 7.7 The reviewer doesn’t mention any bugs, missing features, or even a dungeon past the initial sewers, though, which makes me think that…

World of Warcraft Gameplay Trailer

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with a new gameplay trailer featuring a capture-the-flag scenario in Warsong Gulch. Check it out right here.

Auto Assault E3 Preview

WorthPlaying has dished up a preview of Auto Assault, after seeing the post-apocalyptic vehicular MMORPG firsthand during this year’s E3. An excerpt to follow: Like any MMORPG, your character levels and can learn new skills and raise attributes as he…