Gaming News

Auto Assault Roadhouse Report #1

RPG Vault has begun a new “Roadhouse Report” series for NetDevil’s Auto Assault, with the first installment offering a two-page summary of the MMORPG’s character system from design director Ryan Seabury and lead system designer Brian Booker. Check it out:…

The Bard’s Tale Review

Jolt Online Gaming has written up a review of inXile’s The Bard’s Tale, giving the action RPG an overall score of 7.0 Their conclusion: The Bard’s Tale is unlikely to set the gaming world alight, thanks mainly to its repetitive…

Journeys in Azeroth, Part Seven

The Armchair Empire has released the seventh installment to their “Journeys in Azeroth” diary series for Blizzard’s World of Warcraft. An excerpt to follow: The first place I hit was the Vale of Stranglethorn. With all of the jungle to…

Jade Empire Reviews

BioWare’s Jade Empire is the subject of yet another trio of reviews, all of which are fairly positive. The first is at Xequted with an overall score of 42/50: There is a lot to love about Jade Empire and we’re…

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Q&A

Telefragged has published a Q&A with Bethesda’s Todd Howard, in which the lead designer addresses several questions about The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. A snippet: Q: Marksmanship was fun to use in Morrowind, but in a lot of ways it…

The Matrix Online Interview

Gamecloud has conducted an interview with Warner Brothers’ Jason Hall, in which they discuss the sale of The Matrix Online to Sony Online Entertainment. Here’s a taste: Q: First, The Matrix Online was officially launched less than three months ago.…

Innovation in the MMORPG Industry has published an article entitled “Innovation in the MMORPG Industry”, which focuses on the creative features that have (and haven’t) emerged since the beginning of the massively multiplayer industry. Check it out: Now although this may sound pessimistic, I…

SOE Picks Up Matrix Online

1Up has released an article entitled “SOE Picks Up Matrix Online”, in which they provide some additional details about the purchase of Warner Bros. and Monolith’s sci-fi MMORPG. According to the article, over two dozen Monolith employees were let go…

City of Villains Screenshots

The guys at Boomtown have tossed up seven new screenshots from Cryptic Studios’ upcoming City of Villains expansion.

Dragonshard Community Update #12

In the twelfth community update for Dragonshard, Atari’s Shane DeFreest provides another brief Q&A and a brand new wallpaper. Enjoy! 800×6401280×7201280×1024 Q: Are there many avid pen and paper D&D players at Liquid Entertainment? A: Yes, there is at least…