Gaming News

Dungeon Lords v1.2 and v1.3 Patch Status

DreamCatcher’s Byron Gaum and Jeremy Norel have provided a status of the v1.3 patch for Dungeon Lords, which may or may not mean that the v1.2 patch is still forthcoming. Byron’s post: Just wanted to update everyone and let you…

Guild Wars Review

FiringSquad is offering a four-page review of ArenaNet’s Guild Wars, although it’s not nearly as positive as we’re used to seeing. This basically sums it up: Rushing to pick the game up, complete with the little EB special weapon, I…

EverQuest: Depths of Darkhollow Q&A

RPGLand has published a Q&A with EverQuest lead designer Travis McGeathy, revealing a few interesting tidbits about the upcoming Depths of Darkhollow expansion. An excerpt: Q: We see from your website that the new feature is the ability to turn…

The Bard’s Tale Review

Techconnect Magazine has tossed up a four-page review of The Bard’s Tale, giving the PC version an overall score of 8 Their conclusion to follow: The Bard’s Tale will most likely not reach the same cult classic status that its…

Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows Interview

Gameplay Monthly has conducted an interview with Midway’s Josh Sawyer, quizzing the former Black Isle developer about the upcoming Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows. Here’s a bit to start you off: Q: Give us an example of the types of weapons and…

Asheron’s Call: Throne of Destiny Preview

The folks at Techgage have released a three-page preview of Asheron’s Call: Throne of Destiny, based on some firsthand time with Turbine’s soon-to-be-released expansion pack. A snippet: Since they threw in a new class, of course they needed a new…

Dungeon Lords Review

RPGFan brings us their review of Dungeon Lords, giving DreamCatcher and Heuristic Park’s action RPG an overall score of 70%. Their conclusion: Overall, Dungeon Lords is not worth your money if you buy it new, and may not even be…

The Lord of the Rings Online Thursday Insider #1

Turbine’s official The Lord of the Rings Online website has been updated with a new feature called the “Thursday Insider”, in which several members of the development team address a single question. The first installment asks, “Who is your favorite…

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Interview has published an interview with Bethesda’s Todd Howard, in which the lead designer answers a handful of questions about The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Check it out: Q: Similarly, the physics model is amazing. How is Oblivion’s physics model…

Champions: Return to Arms Review

Game Chronicles Magazine has gotten around to reviewing Champions: Return to Arms, giving the action RPG sequel an overall score of 8.5 Here’s why: Champions: Return to Arms doesn’t feel like the true sequel Snowblind probably intended it to be.…