Gaming News

Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows Screenshots

Gamer’s Hell was lucky enough to get their hands on five new screenshots from Midway’s Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows. The set is split into two pages, with three from the PS2 version and two from the Xbox version.

Dungeon Siege Movie Casting Details

Reuters is reporting that several major actors have been cast for the upcoming Dungeon Siege movie, including Jason Statham, Leelee Sobieski, John Rhys Davies, and Ron Perlman. Check it out: Jason Statham and Leelee Sobieski are set to headline the…

Dungeon Lords Review

1Up has posted a review of Dungeon Lords, giving DreamCatcher and Heuristic Park’s action RPG an overall score of 3 Here’s why: Patches have been promised to clean things up; including the addition of the missing map (in fact patch…

City of Villains Preview has publisehed a very short preview of City of Villains, Cryptic Studios’ upcoming expansion/standalone MMORPG. An excerpt, as usual: Villains are created in the same way as heroes, but start off in an area called the Rogue Islands. After…

Gas Powered Garage Website Launches

Gas Powered Games has announced the launch of the “Gas Powered Garage”, a website containing tutorials, forums, and community links for their games. Check it out right here.

Tabula Rasa Preview

GamerGod has put together a preview of Tabula Rasa, the upcoming sci-fi MMORPG from NCsoft and Destination Games. A snippet to follow: Other interesting features which should still be present are the ability to create character “bookmarks”, and the instantaneous…

Camelot Grab Bag (of Announcements)

Instead of doing her typical Grab Bag Q&A for Dark Age of Camelot, Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has posted a “Grab Bag of Announcements” on the Camelot Herald. A snip: First – don’t forget, the Content Queen and I will be…