Gaming News

Tabula Rasa Site Update

NCsoft and Destination Games’ official Tabula Rasa website has been updated with three new team biographies and seven new pieces of concept art.

Dungeon Siege II Q&A

GameSpot has published a two-page Q&A with Gas Powered Games’ Bartosz Kijanka, in which the executive producer reveals some final details about Dungeon Siege II now that the action RPG sequel is nearing completion. A snip: Q: What were some…

Dragonshard Community Update #13

In the thirteenth community update for Dragonshard, Atari’s Shane DeFreest provides another brief Q&A, two screenshots, and details about an upcoming developer chat. Check it out: The chat details: July 15, 2005 8:30pm And the two-question Q&A: Q: What…

Guild Wars Mini-Interview #49

ArenaNet has answered yet another handful of questions about Guild Wars in their latest “Fansite Friday” feature. This time around, the interview is at Guild Wars @ Alienpod. An excerpt: Q: The feature our guild in particular misses most often…

Dragonshard Interview

Warcry has conducted an interview with Liquid Entertainment’s Jason Torres, in which the lead designer answers a large batch of questions about their upcoming Dungeons & Dragons RTS/RPG hybrid, Dragonshard. A snippet: Q: Do the individual maps play to the…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Monster Profile #8

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online website has been updated with an eighth monster profile, this time detailing the Kobold. Once again, concept art of the creature is included, but you’ll need to be a member of the game’s forums…

Auto Assault Team Q&A #1

RPG Vault has whipped up the first installment to a new Q&A series with various members of the Auto Assault development team. This first portion addresses the game’s races and character classes: Q: Within each of the three races, which…

Asheron’s Call 2: Legions Review

Prodigious Gaming brings us their review of Asheron’s Call 2: Legions, giving Turbine’s expansion pack an overall score of 5 Their final paragraph to follow: All these niggling flaws will weigh far too heavily on a new player’s mind, and…

Diablo II Turns Five

Blizzard Entertainment’s official website has been updated with a short announcement that Diablo II has turned five years old: Through the tortured body of a possessed hero, Diablo, Lord of Terror, made his way east from Tristram across the vast…