Gaming News

Tactica Online Mini Q&A #6 has published the sixth installment to their ongoing Tactica Online Mini Q&A series with Imaginary Numbers’ Luke Carruthers. Check it out: Q: Many online games use the pursuit of better loot and character development as ways to keep players…

Dungeon Siege II Friday Update

Gas Powered Games has posted another Friday update on the official Dungeon Siege II website, this time detailing a new power called Provoke. The description: Knight Protectors of Snowbrook Haven are taught that becoming a knight is not simply a…

Dungeon Lords Review

RPGDot has posted their review of Dungeon Lords, giving DreamCatcher and Heuristic Park’s action RPG an overall score of 8 Their final paragraph: In the end Dungeon Lords is a fun game for anyone, who can stand from jumping on…

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Interview

GameSpot has published a two-page interview with Bethesda’s Todd Howard, in which the executive producer shares some general information about the upcoming fourth installment in the Elder Scrolls series, Oblivion. Here’s a taste: Q: Morrowind was a game that appeared…

Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time offering a guide for guild creation and management. A snip: Once you choose the initial planet and buy the Guild hall that will be…

Gothic III Interview

World of Gothic has conducted an interview with JoWood’s Stefan Berger, in which the brand manager addresses questions about the upcoming Gothic III and the problems the company had publishing the previous two Gothic titles in North America. A snippet:…

Guild Wars Mini-Interview #50

Instead of ArenaNet answering the questions this time around, the fiftieth Guild Wars “Fansite Friday” feature instead asks a handful of questions to the fansites themselves. Check it out: Q: Name your favorite suggestion for Chapter 2? Proteus: More Guild…

Asheron’s Call 2: Legions Review

Fragland has posted their review of Asheron’s Call 2: Legions, giving Turbine’s expansion pack an overall score of 65.1%. Their conclusion: My conclusion for Asheron’s Call 2: Legions? Seeing that you get the original game along with the expansion, you…

The Lord of the Rings Online Preview has put together a preview of The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, after spending some firsthand time with Turbine’s upcoming Middle-Earth MMORPG. An excerpt to follow: Questing, like in most MMORPGs, is a very large deal…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Monster Profile #9

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online website has been updated with a ninth monster profile, this time detailing the Earth Elemental. Once again, concept art of the creature is included, but you’ll need to be a member of the game’s…