Gaming News

The Bard’s Tale Review

GameSpot has whipped up a two-page review of inXile’s The Bard’s Tale, giving the PC version of the action RPG an overall score of 6.7 Here’s why: The Bard’s Tale has some genuinely good ideas, but much of its execution…

Dungeon Lords French v1.3 Patch Released

Heuristic Park has released an official v1.3 patch for the French version of Dungeon Lords, which brings the highly anticipated automap feature to yet another region. You can grab the new patch from DreamCatcher Europe’s support site.

Engineering EverQuest

IEEE Spectrum Online has published an article entitled “Engineering EverQuest”, in which they focus on the technology that powers the MMORPG behemoth. Here’s a short intro: EverQuest and its sequel, EverQuest II, are at the hard-core end of a $5…

Obsidian Entertainment is Hiring!

Obsidian Entertainment’s official website has been updated with an announcement that the company is hiring for their “ever-increasing” number of projects. The full announcement: Obsidian Entertainment is enlarging its ranks yet again to facilitate our ever-increasing number of projects. We’re…

MMORPG Developer Profile #1 has launched a new series of developer profiles, with the first installment quizzing LucasArts’ Tim Temmerman about his involvement with Star Wars Galaxies. A snippet: Q: Can you tell us a bit about what you currently do, and the…

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion E3 Demo Audio, Part One

RPGDot has released the first portion of an MP3 they recorded during one of the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion demonstrations given by Bethesda’s Todd Howard during E3. It’s not of perfect quality, but it’ll give you a good taste of…

BlizzCon Website Launched

Blizzard Entertainment has launched an official website for their recently announced BlizzCon Gaming Festival. Here’s the full announcement: Blizzard today unveiled the BlizzConâ„¢ Web site, presenting many new details about the upcoming gaming convention. Set to take place on October…

Dragonshard Community Update #14

In the fourteenth community update for Dragonshard, Atari’s Shane DeFreest provides us with two new screenshots and a recap of all community questions answered so far. Check it out: Q: What one element sets this game apart from other RTS…

X-Men Legends II Site Update

Activision and Raven’s official X-Men Legends II website has been updated with screenshots of the Sanctuary hub level and a third production update penned by Raven designer Sean Campbell. A snip from the latter: And speaking of ‘˜cool stuff’ and…