Gaming News

Mythic Postpones Imperator Production

Mythic Entertainment issued a press release earlier today announcing that they have postponed production of Imperator in order to focus development on Dark Age of Camelot and their Warhammer MMORPG. MYTHIC ENTERTAINMENT TO POSTPONE PRODUCTION OF “IMPERATOR” MMORPG Company to…

World of Warcraft Battlegrounds FAQ

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with a FAQ filled with the latest information and tips for the game’s recently launched Battlegrounds. A little something to start you off: Q: Is there a durability loss for…

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which includes new Pirates of the Sword Coast wallpaper and Jade Empire world regions video clips. Straight from BioWare’s front page: This week, download a beautiful…

Virtual Worlds #1: Two Million and Counting

Yahoo! Games Domain has put together an article entitled “Virtual Worlds #1: Two Million and Counting”, in which they discuss the MMORPG market following the success of World of Warcraft. Check it out: The perception of the major mainstream publishers…

City of Villains Screenshots

Voodoo Extreme has kicked up eighty-eight new screenshots showing a variety of different areas and gameplay elements in NCsoft and Cryptic Studios’ upcoming City of Villains.

Jade Empire Review

The Entertainment Depot has whipped up a review of Jade Empire, giving BioWare’s Xbox RPG an overall score of 7 Their conclusion to follow: Loading is certainly something that happens, though at least in this game, for the most part,…

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Modding Article

GameSpy has put together a three-page article that details the modding capabilities of both the PC and Xbox 360 versions of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The article includes quite a bit of commentary from Bethesda’s Pete Hines, as well.…

EverQuest II: Desert of Flames Previews

Both GameSpot and IGN PC are offering up previews of Sony Online’s EverQuest II: Desert of Flames, both of which are based on a recent demonstration of the expansion pack. A snip from GameSpot’s article: Regardless of how you choose…

FF vs. the Third Reich UK Mod Tools Released

Irrational Games’ official Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich website has been updated with news that a UK version of the game’s mod tools have been released. Grab ’em from 3D Gamers!

Old-School RPGs Still Hold Wonder

Yahoo! News has published an article entitled “Old-School RPGs Still Hold Wonder”, in which they offer some thoughts on what might be the greatest RPG of all time. I can’t say I agree with their picks in the article, though……