Gaming News

Dungeon Siege II Friday Update

Gas Powered Games has posted another Friday update on the official Dungeon Siege II website, this time offering information about two new weapons – the Soldier Hammer and the Mace of Agarrus.

Diablo II v1.11 Patch Coming Soon

Blizzard’s official website has been updated with a short announcement revealing that a v1.11 patch for Diablo II is coming soon. Four screenshots showing off some fiery spell effects accompanies the announcement as well.

The Witcher Feature of the Week #2

CD Projekt’s latest “Feature of the Week” for The Witcher includes a music clip from the game called Shaent Blathanna. The file weighs in at about 5MB and can be found here.

Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time publishing details about a series of quests called the Secrets of Syren. A paragraph to follow: It seems there is someone looking for information…

Guild Wars Mini-Interview #53

ArenaNet has answered another small batch of questions about Guild Wars, and this time the interview is at Guild Wars Norge. Here’s a taste: Q: Why don’t you have an Auction House? Or at least some kind of bazaar option?…

GB Feature: Morrowind Walkthrough Expanded

Our Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind walkthrough has been expanded to include all of the side quests available in the original game, as well as the Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs. Check out all the new information right here.

Fable: The Lost Chapters Interview

Gamecloud has conducted an interview with Lionhead Studios’ Dene Carter, in which the lead designer answers some general questions about their expanded RPG, Fable: The Lost Chapters. Here’s a bit to start you off: Q: What can you tell us…

The Matrix Online World Merger

Warner Brothers has announced that they will be merging all data from The Matrix Online onto a total of three servers. While they claim that the merger is for the community, something tells me that the game’s population just doesn’t…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Q&A #2

The second installment of’s Dungeons & Dragons Online Q&A is now available, this time with Turbine’s David Eckelberry addressing a handful of questions about the game. Here’s a snip: Q: How will the death system be implemented so as…

Activision to Develop More Marvel RPGs

Activision and Marvel Enterprises issued a press release earlier today announcing that they’re continuing their alliance to develop and publish more superhero RPGs. Activision Expands Alliance Through New Licensing Agreement With Marvel Activision Granted Exclusive Rights to Develop and Publish…