Gaming News

Fable: The Lost Chapters Interview

GameZone has conducted an interview with Lionhead Studios’ Dene Carter, in which the lead designer talks a bit about the upcoming Fable: The Lost Chapters. Here’s one of the more interesting questions: Q: Where do you think RPGs should be,…

Fable: The Lost Chapters Preview

The folks at FiringSquad have put together a two-page preview of Fable: The Lost Chapters, based upon some firsthand experience with a recent press build of the RPG. A paragraph to follow: Like all Lionhead games, Fable is loaded with…

Dungeon Siege II Preview

GameAxis brings us the most recent preview of Dungeon Siege II, once again based upon some firsthand time with the soon-to-be-released action RPG sequel. A snippet: One of the most innovative things in DSII is how it handles replayability. According…

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Interview

The Druid Grove has published an interview with Sigil Games’ Darren McPherson about the introduction of a Druid class in Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. An excerpt to follow: Q: We know that Vanguard will have combat abilities such as sympathetic…

World of Warcraft Talent Calculator

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with a new “talent calculator” that allows players to plan out their character’s future specialization. Give it a whirl by clicking here.

Hammer & Sickle Previews

A handful of new previews for Nival’s tactical RPG Hammer & Sickle have made their way to the web. The first is at GameSpy: Had Nival merely chosen to slap a number onto a package consisting of a whole bunch…

City of Villains FAQ Update

The FAQ on NCsoft and Cryptic Studios’ official City of Villains website has been updated with new information about the MMORPG expansion. Check out the FAQ page right here.

Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows First View

RPG Vault shares their commendations, considerations, and reservations for Midway’s Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows in their latest “First View” article. A snip: The franchise that gained famed for its cooperative element will continue this emphasis for up to four players while…

Anarchy Online Introduces In-Game Advertising

Funcom has issued a press release announcing the introduction of billboard advertisements within Anarchy Online. New Era for Advertisement in Games begins with Anarchy Online Funcom once again brings innovation to the games industry with the introduction of video ads…

GB Feature: Dungeon Lords Map & Artwork

DreamCatcher Games was kind enough to send us over a high resolution version of the Dungeon Lords map (2000×1397), as well as two very nice pieces of artwork depicting the game’s main wizard characters. You’ll find the new version of…