Gaming News

Guild Wars Wallpaper

ArenaNet’s official Guild Wars website has been updated with another wallpaper for your computer desktop. This time, the wallpaper depicts the furnace from, well, Sorrow’s Furnace.

Dungeon Siege II Preview

GameDAILY has posted a short preview of Dungeon Siege II, which serves as a good refresher for those of us planning on purchasing the game next week. Here’s a bit to start you off: In multiplayer, you can now choose…

Dragonshard Gets a Release Date

WorthPlaying is reporting that Atari has officially given Liquid Entertainment’s Dragonshard a release date of September 20th, 2005. Good to hear that everything is on track!

Mythic Entertainment Q&A hsa published an interview with Mythic Entertainment internet relations manager Sanya Thomas about the postponing of Imperator, the future of Dark Age of Camelot, the current status of Warhammer Online, and more. Here’s a taste: Q: It is not…

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which includes the final Jade Empire world tour video and information about a NWN persistent world. Straight from BioWare’s front page: Watch the final video in…

Horizons: Empire of Istaria 14-Day Trial Offer

Tulga Games sent us over an announcement that they are offering a free 14-day trial offer for Horizons: Empire of Istaria. Check it out: Now… NEW, IMPROVED Horizons: Empire of Istaria has an extended FREE TRIAL OFFER of 14 DAYS…

Auto Assault Preview

Eurogamer has kicked up a preview of Auto Assault, after spending some firsthand time with NCsoft and NetDevil’s post-apocalyptic vehicular MMORPG. An excerpt to follow: Auto Assault is very much the game end of the MMO spectrum. In fact, it’s…

Darkfall Online Chat Log

GamerGod has published an edited log from a recent chat with Darkfall Online producer and lead designer Claus Grovdal. We haven’t heard a whole lot about the MMORPG lately, so the chat log is a good refresher: Preston : So…

More Quest For Antonia Contest Interviews

Gamecloud has published two more interviews with model finalists in Sony Online’s EverQuest II “Quest For Antonia” contest. A snip from the Anna Wainscoat Q&A: Q: Why did you think that you would be perfect for playing Antonia for Sony…

Might and Magic Developer Diary #1

Ubisoft’s official Might and Magic website has been updated with a developer diary entitled “Revamping the Might & Magic Universe”, in which content director Erwan Le Breton reveals why certain changes to the popular RPG setting are necessary. A snippet:…