Gaming News

Auto Assault Hazard Mode & Skills Q&A

Boomtown has conducted an interview with NetDevil’s Steve Snow and Ryan Seabury, in which the producer and senior developer answer questions about the MMORPG’s character skills and Hazard mode. Here’s a taste: Q: Will every player from the same class…

Tactica Online Site Update

Imaginary Numbers’ official Tactica Online website has been updated with information about six new skills – Dead Zone, Disabling Shot, Intimidation, Parasite, Sanctuary, and Spy.

The Witcher Feature of the Week #4

CD Projekt’s latest “Feature of the Week” for The Witcher offers a new screenshot depicting one of the districts in the city of Wizim.

Dungeon Siege II Impressions

Both IGN PC and GamerFeed are offering up their initial impressions of Dungeon Siege II, just in time for the game’s release. A snip from IGN PC’s article: The character development system is also much deeper. It feels like a…

Diablo II Accounts Closed

Blizzard Entertainment has announced that they have closed over 36,000 Diablo II accounts for cheating on An excerpt from the announcement: We have just closed more than 36,000 accounts for cheating on More than 28,000 CD keys tied…

Asheron’s Call: Throne of Destiny Review

GameZone has posted their review of Asheron’s Call: Throne of Destiny, giving Turbine’s MMORPG expansion an overall score of 7.4 Here’s why: Throne of Destiny is a solid expansion pack, bringing needed updates to the world of Asheron’s Call. The…

Dragonshard Community Update #18

In the eighteenth community update for Dragonshard, Atari’s Shane DeFreest provides us with two new screenshots, a reminder about the upcoming developer chat, and a couple links to the single player demo. Check it out: As many of you know…

World of Warcraft Editorials

A pair of new editorials have surfaced for World of Warcraft – one that offers a new player’s perspective and another that takes a look at the debate between casual and hardcore players. The former is at KillerBetties: My exchange…

Dungeon Siege II Review

eToychest has posted their review of Dungeon Siege II, giving Gas Powered Games’ action RPG sequel an overall score of 88 A paragraph to follow: With Dungeon Siege II, Gas Powered Games has delivered a considerable entry in the field…