Gaming News

Is Blizzard Invading Your Privacy?

CNet News is reporting that many World of Warcraft players are angry over the game’s new scanning software designed to find hacking programs on a client’s computer. An excerpt: But Blizzard said that it isn’t interested in anything other than…

Dragonshard Previews

Both GameSpot and IGN PC are offering updated previews of Dragonshard, after seeing the RTS/RPG hybrid at this year’s Atari University event. A snip from GameSpot’s article: Much of the game’s strategy will revolve around choosing specific units and developing…

Dungeon Siege II Hits North America

Microsoft Game Studios issued a press release earlier today announcing the release of Dungeon Siege II in North America. Microsoft Unleashes Dungeon Siege II on North America Spectacular Sequel Adds Greater Depth, Richer Story and More Intense Combat to Award-Winning…

Bethesda Softworks Article

The Washington Post has published a two-page article that profiles Bethesda Softworks and offers a few new details about Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Fallout 3. A little something to start you off: Altman said that Bethesda employs just over…

The Witcher Interview, Part Two

HC.Gamer has published the second portion of their interview with CD Projekt Red about the upcoming action RPG, The Witcher. Check it out: Q: What can you tell us about the character-system? What kind of attributes and skills can we…

MMORPG Developer Profile #4 has published a fourth developer profile, this time firing a batch of questions to NetDevil design director Ryan Seabury. A snippet to follow: Q: You have what many would consider a dream job. What is your favorite part of…

Microsoft to Digitally Distribute PC Games

Microsoft and Exent Technologies have issued a press release announcing a partnership to digitally distribute PC Games, including Dungeon Siege, Mechwarrior, and Age of Mythology. Microsoft Selects Exent Technologies As Worldwide Digital Distribution Partner for PC Games BETHESDA, MD —…

Dungeon Siege II Reviews

Another large batch of Dungeon Siege II reviews have hit the web, all of which give the action RPG a fairly positive score. The first is at IGN PC with an overall score of 8.5/10: When it comes down to…

X-Men Legends II Site Update

Activision’s official X-Men Legends II website has been updated with wallpaper, screenshots, and a gameplay movie for Sunfire.