Gaming News

Fable: The Lost Chapters Developer Diary

IGN PC has published another developer diary for Fable: The Lost Chapters, this time with an unnamed Lionhead Studios developer offering some love advice. An excerpt to follow: The first thing any potential partner should remember when searching for a…

Titan Quest Preview

GameSpy has put together a two-page preview of Titan Quest, the upcoming action RPG from THQ and Iron Lore Entertainment. A snippet: Satyrs? Lots of them. Despite the beauty and realism of the environment, you’re not there to check out…

World of Warcraft Review

1Up brings us the latest review of World of Warcraft, giving the highly popular MMORPG an overall score of 8.9/10 and leaving us with this concise verdict: As it has countless times before, Blizzard has refined and polished a genre…

Dungeon Siege II Reviews

Gas Powered Games’ Dungeon Siege sequel continues to do well, with another handful of favorable reviews popping up on the web. The first is at GameSpy with an overall score of 4/5: While it never strays too far from the…

Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows Interview

Gamecloud has published an interview with Midway’s Nate Birkholz, asking the developer a handful of questions about their upcoming action RPG, Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows. Check it out: Q: What can you tell us about the graphical look of the game?…

Asheron’s Call 2 to Shut Down

Turbine CEO Jeffrey Anderson has announced that the company will be shutting down Asheron’s Call 2 for good at the end of the year. The bad news: Dear AC2 subscribers, In spite of our hard work and the launch of…

World of Warcraft Interview has conducted an interview with Blizzard’s Shane Dabiri, in which the lead producer answers questions about the past and future success of World of Warcraft. Take a look: Q: How are things going for you guys generally in terms…

Dungeon Lords Review has dished up a review of Dungeon Lords, giving DreamCatcher and Heuristic Park’s action RPG an overall score of 2.4 Apparently the editor didn’t notice any of the game’s qualities that others have picked up on, despite its flaws.…

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which includes a list of Jade Empire techniques and the second portion of their ongoing NWN campaign guide. Straight from BioWare’s front page: We provide a…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Chat Log

Even if you missed the Dungeons & Dragons Online developer chat at Stratics last night, you can still sift through Stratics’ chat log to find a response to many pending questions. An excerpt: Brannoc – *DeusEx* Will there be any…