Gaming News

Guild Wars Sorrow’s Furnace Update Released

ArenaNet’s official Guild Wars website has been updated with an announcement that the highly anticipated Sorrow’s Furnace update is now available. The update introduces two large explorable areas, new monsters, new quests, new weapons, and a whole lot more.

Dragonshard Screenshots

The folks at Boomtown were able to get their hands on several new screenshots from Atari and Liquid Entertainment’s Dragonshard.

Hammer & Sickle Preview

GameDAILY has written up a preview of Hammer & Sickle, the upcoming tactical RPG from Nival Interactive. Check it out: One thing that must be said about Hammer & Sickle is that it is a very challenging game. Even with…

Fable: The Lost Chapters Review

Jolt Online Gaming has put together a review of Fable: The Lost Chapters, giving Lionhead Studios’ RPG an overall score of 8.9 Their conclusion: While Fable: The Lost Chapters doesn’t bring enough that’s new to justify a purchase if you’ve…

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which includes an interview with a new BioWare artist and more Jade Empire techniques. Straight from BioWare’s front page: We chat with a new BioWare employee…

World of Warcraft Battleplan, Volume 2

Blizzard’s Shane Dabiri has posted a second “Battleplan” within the official World of Warcraft forums, this time promising full details about the game’s expansion at the upcoming BlizzCon event. The introduction: Since the last World of Warcraft Battle Plan, much…

GB Feature: Dungeon Siege II Content Available

Our first wave of content for Gas Powered Games’ Dungeon Siege sequel is now available, which includes searchable unique and set item databases, as well as information about the game’s races, attributes, and skills.

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Interviews

Both GameZone and Gamer Within were able to track down the developers at Raven Software for brief interviews about their upcoming X-Men Legends sequel. A snip from the interview at GameZone: Q: You have the Brotherhood and X-Men working together…

MMORPG Developer Profile #5 has published a fifth developer profile, this time tossing a few questions over to Auto Assault art director Peter Grundy. An excerpt: Q: One of the catch phrases often thrown about the industry is that many bemoan a lack…