Gaming News

More Fallout 3 “Van Buren” Design Documents

No Mutants Allowed has posted another set of design documents from Black Isle Studios’ cancelled “Van Buren” (Fallout 3) project. This time, the documents detail Tibbets Prison, Boulder, and Mesa Verde.

Dungeon Siege II Friday Update

Gas Powered Games has posted another Friday update on the official Dungeon Siege II website, this time revealing information about two powerful weapons – the Bloodrose Thorn and the Dryad Sword. A snip about the latter: Elves, Humans, and Half-Giants…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Q&A #5

The fifth installment of’s ongoing Dungeons & Dragons Online Q&A is now available, with community manager Victor Wachter once again answering the questions. An excerpt: Q: Can you explain what you mean by “four ranks per level”? A: The…

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald, this time addressing questions about changing guild emblems, the /level command, the upcoming Darkness Rising expansion, and more. A snip: Q: I’m concerned about…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Monster Profile #18

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online website has been updated with an eighteenth monster profile, this time detailing the Wraith. Instead of presenting us with just some concept art of the creature, though, we’re instead shown a video portrait of…

Warhammer Online Preview

The guys at Warhammer Alliance are offering up a very short preview of Mythic Entertainment’s Warhammer Online. A paragraph to follow: Despite taking place in a entirely new setting, Mythic will be drawing on all the Warhammer fantasy material no…

The Lord of the Rings Online Developer Diary

Turbine’s official The Lord of the Rings Online website has been updated with a new developer diary penned by team lead Chris “NobOrBob” Foster. In it, Chris provides us with an example of one of the game’s quests and talks…

Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time offering a closer look at the food available in the MMORPG. The game’s food does more than just provide sustenance, though: When dining on…

Tactica Online Site Update

Imaginary Numbers’ official Tactica Online website has been updated with information about another half dozen new skills – Poison, Savage Strike, Cursed Shot, Divine Favor, Burning Shroud, and Disruption.