Gaming News

Heroes of Might and Magic V Trailers

WorthPlaying is offering up two different gameplay trailers for Ubisoft’s Heroes of Might and Magic V. The videos are from the recent Leipzig Games Convention and weigh in at a total of close to 50 MB between the two.

Fable: The Lost Chapters Developer Diary

IGN PC has published a new developer diary for Fable: The Lost Chapters, this time focusing on the problem of evil players obtaining the most powerful sword in the game at the end of the original content. The dilemma: The…

Metalheart: Replicants Rampage Review

GamerDad has tossed up a review of Metalheart: Replicants Rampage, giving Akella’s post-apocalyptic RPG an overall score of 3 Their conclusion to follow: Metalheart seems finished and well put together unlike other recent European imports. However, it just isn’t fun.…

World of Warcraft v1.7 Patch Released

Blizzard Entertainment has released an official v1.7 patch for World of Warcraft, which adds the Zul’Gurub dungeon, the Arathi Basin battleground, a new fishing event, and a whole lot more. If you want to manually download the patch, grab it…

X-Men Legends II Mutant Vault Updated

Activision’s official X-Men Legends II Mutant Vault website has been updated with four high-resolution screenshots and a couple of new wallpapers depicting Deadpool and Sauron.

World of Warcraft Wallpaper

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with new wallpaper featuring Desolace.

“Dev Griefing” in the MMO Genre

Ten Ton Hammer has published a new article that offers one editor’s opinion on how MMO developers “grief” players by implementing bad ideas into their games. One example: Dev Grief #4 – Poor In-Game Communication Methods Voicechat technology has been…

Dungeon Siege II Reviews

A trio of new reviews for Gas Powered Games’ Dungeon Siege sequel hit the web over the past couple of days. The first is at Eurogamer with an overall score of 8/10: Dungeon Siege II. An Action RPG. Good. Extremely…