Gaming News

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which includes an interview with an NWN community member and new plot items details for Jade Empire. Straight from BioWare’s front page: We interview NWN fan…

Tactica Online Site Update

Imaginary Numbers’ official Tactica Online website has been updated with information about another half dozen new skills – Remove Trap, Command, Ranged Commander, Armor of Grace, Immolation, and Lightning.

Might and Magic Community Site Launched

Ubisoft has launched an official community site for the Might and Magic franchise, which contains information and media for both Heroes of Might and Magic V and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.

Dungeon Siege II Review

Gaming Horizon has conjured up a review of Dungeon Siege II, giving the action RPG sequel an overall score of 7.6 Their conclusion: Dungeon Siege II is a worthy follow-up to the original, and to the RTS genre as a…

Fabled Foes of Albion, Part Three

RPG Vault has kicked up the third installment to their “Fabled Foes of Albion” feature for Fable: The Lost Chapters, this time profiling the Undead and Screamer creatures. An excerpt about the Undead: Albion’s undead problem is little spoken of…

City of Villains Q&A

Boomtown has published a Q&A with Cryptic Studios’ Jack Emmert, in which the lead designer answers several questions about the upcoming City of Villains. Here’s a bit to get you started: Q: How exactly is the PvP between villains and…

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Interview

Gamecloud was able to track down Activision’s Matthew Paul for a quick interview about the newly released X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse. Check it out: Q: Why was the decision made to release the game for the PC and…

Last Heroes of Might and Magic Factions Revealed

Ubisoft issued a press release earlier today announcing details about the Dungeon faction in Heroes of Might and Magic V. Ubisoft Reveals The Last Factions For Heroes Of Might And Magic V London, UK – September 21st, 2005 – Ubisoft,…

Fabled Foes of Albion, Part Two

RPG Vault has kicked up the second installment to their “Fabled Foes of Albion” feature for Fable: The Lost Chapters, this time profiling the Hobbe and Balverine creatures. A snip about the former: Hobbes are nasty, brutish, short creatures with…

Ultima Online: Mondain’s Legacy Interview

RPG Vault has conducted an interview with EA’s Maria Hamilton and Jennifer Lane, in which the designers answer three pages of questions about the upcoming Ultima Online: Mondain’s Legacy expansion pack. An excerpt: Q: Along with adding the elves, what…