Gaming News

Fable: The Lost Chapters Review

Eurogamer has written up a review of Fable: The Lost Chapters, giving the RPG an overall score of 8 Here’s why: For all its beauty, the areas you explore do seem rather small and hemmed in – especially when we’re…

Dungeon Siege II Friday Update

Gas Powered Games has posted another Friday update on the official Dungeon Siege II website, this time providing details about two new powerful weapons – The Fourth Wind and the Throwing Shiv. A snip about the former: Kel’Drassil was a…

Guild Wars Mini-Interview #60

ArenaNet has answered another set of questions about Guild Wars, this time finishing off their post-update questions from last week. The second installment discusses PvP options, community involvement, and more. Here we go: Q: Players crave variety. Two requests we’ve…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Interview

Next Generation has published a three-page interview with Turbine’s Ken Troop, in which the lead designer answers questions about the highly anticipated Dungeons & Dragons Online. A little something to start you off: Having the choice of many well-known settings…

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Preview has conjured up a preview of X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse, in which they give a quick rundown of why the sequel deserves your attention. A snip: This being a sequel, there has to be a twist, and…

World of Warcraft v1.7.1 Patch Released

Blizzard Entertainment has released an official v1.7.1 patch for World of Warcraft, which addresses a possible exploit in Arathi Basin. Check out the full patch notes for both v1.7.1 and v1.7.0 right here.

Auto Assault Preview

The folks at Stratics have posted a short preview of Auto Assault, after spending some firsthand time with NCsoft and NetDevil’s upcoming MMORPG. Here’s a taste: As I increased in level it opened the avenue to new cars, weapons, power…

Dragonshard Review

IGN PC has published a three-page review of Dragonshard, giving the newly released D&D RTS/RPG hybrid an overall score of 8.4 Their conclusion to follow: There’s a lot to like about Dragonshard, particularly so since we’re not seeing any more…

Titan Quest Interview, Part One

RPG Vault has kicked up the first installment of a new Titan Quest interview with lead designer Brian Sullivan. In it, Brian answers questions about the game’s storyline, cinematic sequences, character development, and more. An excerpt: Q: How do character…

The Lord of the Rings Online Concept Art

Turbine’s official The Lord of the Rings Online website has been updated with new concept art of the Gorthorog, as well as a short story about the creatures. A snippet: Recognizing the power of the Witch-king and of his master…