Gaming News

Dark Age of Camelot: Darkness Rising Ships

Mythic Entertainment sent out a press release late yesterday announcing that their Dark Age of Camelot: Darkness Rising expansion pack has officially shipped to retail stores. Mythic Entertainment (R) Unleashes Unspeakable Evil on the Realms in the Sixth Expansion for…

Dragonshard Review

GameSpy has gotten around to posting their review of Dragonshard, giving the RTS/RPG hybrid an overall score of 3.5 Here’s why: Despite all the problems, Dragonshard has a unique feel. It leverages the D&D license to create something that stands…

Dungeon Siege II Review

The folks over at FiringSquad have dished up a five-page review of Gas Powered Games’ Dungeon Siege II, giving the action RPG sequel an overall score of 82%. Their conclusion: Dungeon Siege II came as a bit of a surprise.…

Guild Wars DirectSong Battle Pak Released

The official DirectSong website has been updated with the very first Battle Pak for Guild Wars, which effectively doubles the amount of music available in the MMORPG. In addition to all new tracks, the Battle Pak also increases the audio…

Hidden Worlds of Warcraft

1Up has published a new two-page article entitled “Hidden Worlds of Warcraft”, in which they take a closer look at some of the unreleased locations Blizzard has coded into World of Warcraft. A snip: Looking at the Caverns with a…

EverQuest: Depths of Darkhollow Review

Warcry is the first website to kick up a review of Sony Online’s EverQuest: Depths of Darkhollow, and although they don’t give an overall score, it doesn’t sound like they cared for it much. See for yourself: As to whether…

Titan Quest Interview, Part Two

RPG Vault has kicked up the second installment of their ongoing Titan Quest interview, this time with lead designer Brian Sullivan and lead gameplay designer Arthur Bruno. In it, the two developers answer question about the game’s quests, enemies, magic…

Fable: The Lost Chapters Review

3DAvenue has tossed up a review of Fable: The Lost Chapters, giving the expanded RPG an overall score of 4 Their conclusion to follow: With Dungeon Siege II on its way also from Microsoft Games, it is easy to think…