Gaming News

Tactica Online Site Update

Imaginary Numbers’ official Tactica Online website has been updated with information about six new skills – Maneuver, Ritual Strike, Ritual Shot, Consecrate, Channel, and Transform Equation.

Sacred Underworld Review

Strategy Informer has written up a review of Sacred Underworld, giving Ascaron’s expansion pack an overall score of 7.3 Their conclusion to follow: With this expansion, Sacred has become a game well worth playing; correcting numerous bugs, adding much needed…

Star Wars Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan Interview

Gamecloud has conducted an interview with LucasArts’ Julio Torres, quizzing the producer about the upcoming Star Wars Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan expansion pack. Here’s a taste: Q: What can you tell us about the expansion’s new planet? A: Mustafar is…

D&D Online Marketing Campaign Begins

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach website has been updated with news that the game’s marketing campaign has begun. According to the announcement, the latest issues of Computer Gaming World, Computer Games Magazine, and PC Gamer all feature the…

City of Villains Updated Impressions

GameSpot has released some updated impressions of Cryptic Studios’ City of Villains, in which they focus mainly on base-building and character creation. Check it out: One of the most intriguing aspects is its base-building gameplay. Essentially, a “supergroup” (a group…

World of Warcraft Battlegrounds Review has kicked up a review of World of Warcraft’s Battlegrounds, just as the game nears its first anniversary. Their final paragraph: In conclusion, is the World of Warcraft PvP system perfect? No, there are plenty of loop holes to…

The Witcher Feature of the Week

The latest “Feature of the Week” on CD Projekt’s official The Witcher website includes a new 31MB combat movie. Grab the archived version right here. Placeholder Teaser Image

Blizzard’s official website has been replaced with a placeholder teaser image that simply says 10.7.05. We’re assuming that means an announcement is forthcoming later today. Stay tuned.