Gaming News

City of Villains Preview

GameSpy has put together a three-page preview of City of Villains, after spending some firsthand time with the now-gold expansion/standalong MMORPG. Check it out: City of Villains sports five different character classes. Four of them have some correspondence with City…

World of Warcraft Official Strategy Guide Excerpt #3

RPG Vault is offering up a third excerpt from BradyGames’ official World of Warcraft strategy guide, this time covering the basics of party dynamics. A little something about looting: The Master Looter system allows the party leader to loot all…

Fable: The Lost Chapters Reviews

Lionhead Studios’ Fable: The Lost Chapters continues to be the subject of positive reviews, with two more reaching the web this week. The first is at Houston Vehicles with an overall score of 4.7/5: Fable carries a Mature rating, so…

Dragonshard Reviews

A pair of new reviews for Atari and Liquid Entertainment’s Dragonshard have surfaced, both of which offer a similar conclusion for the RTS/RPG hybrid. The first is at UGO with an overall score of “B”: If you are looking for…

The Bard’s Tale Review

The folks at GamersInfo let us know that they’ve posted a review of inXile Entertainment’s The Bard’s Tale, and while they don’t give it an overall score, it sounds like they definitely liked it. An excerpt: To be honest, playing…

City of Villains Q&A, Part Three has dished up the final installment to their three-part City of Villains Q&A with Cryptic Studios’ David “Zeb” Cook. A snippet: Q: Assuming CoV has a sidekick/exemplar option, what is the villainous reasoning behind it to tie in with…

Mage Knight: Apocalypse Interview

Gamecloud has published an interview with Namco’s Chris Wren, in which the senior producer answers questions about their upcoming action RPG, Mage Knight: Apocalypse. Here’s a taste: Q: What sort of playable characters will be used in Mage Knight Apocalypse?…

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which includes new details and a trailer for the NWN machinima project, BloodSpell. Straight from BioWare’s front page: We begin a three part series on the…

City of Villains Previews

Two new previews of NCsoft and Cryptic Studios’ City of Villains have reached the web, now that the expansion/standalone MMORPG has officially gone gold. The first is at Boomtown: Extending their control over the oceans of Earth, the Coralax became…