Gaming News

Neverwinter Nights 2 Preview

Eurogamer continues their Neverwinter Nights 2 coverage with the game’s first major online preview, after receiving a demonstration of the game and its editor from Obsidian Entertainment’s Ferret Baudoin. An excerpt to follow: The Neverwinter Nights 2 editor is a…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Alpha Journal #5

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online website has been updated with a fifth alpha journal, this time offering an introduction to creating and playing a Sorcerer in the MMORPG. Here we go: Chill Touch is particularly nasty. In DDO, this…

World of Warcraft: The Blood Elves

GameSpy has published a short article that details the Blood Elf race from Blizzard’s upcoming World of Warcraft: The Burning Legion expansion pack. A snip: So, how is this reflected in gameplay? All Blood Elves have a racial ability to…

Horizons: Empire of Istaria Editorial has written up a quick editorial about the present state of Horizons: Empire of Istaria, after chatting with Tulga Games’ David Bowman at the Austin Game Conference. Here’s a bit to start you off: October also saw some important…

The Lord of the Rings Online Developer Diary

Turbine’s official The Lord of the Rings Online website has been updated with a new developer diary penned by Chris “Hakai” Clay. In it, Chris reveals some good information about the game’s morale system. A snip: Pondering the nature of…

World of Warcraft: The Burning Legion Announced

Now that their first BlizzCon event is upon us, Blizzard Entertainment has issued a press release officially announcing the World of Warcraft: The Burning Legion expansion pack. BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT® ANNOUNCES EXPANSION SET FOR WORLD OF WARCRAFT® World of Warcraft®: The…

GB Feature: GameBanshee Forums Renovation!

After several weeks of design work, we have revealed our new style within the GameBanshee Forums. This layout will make it to the entire site over the next couple of months, but I thought I’d get it started here in…

Star Wars Galaxies Q&A has conducted an interview with LucasArts’ Julio Torres, in which the Star Wars Galaxies producer addresses several questions about the MMORPG and its expansions. Check it out: Q: A number of readers have complained that using Obi-Wan in this…

Anarchy Online It’s Alive #6

RPG Vault continues their “It’s Alive” series for Anarchy Online, this time discussing how the MMORPG has evolved since its release a few years ago. Here’s a taste: This first stage of changes greatly reduced some of the things that…