Gaming News

City of Villains Preview has put together a preview of City of Villains, citing a few reservations after checking out the supervillain MMORPG firsthand. An excerpt to follow: An interesting premise, but there’s currently a rogue purple sock of concern in the whites-only…

The Lord of the Rings Online Interview

The Arda Post has conducted an interview with The Lord of the Rings Online design director “Annuvin”, quizzing the developer about his time with Turbine and his experience working on the Middle-Earth MMORPG. Here’s a taste: Q: What’s the most…

Guild Wars Wallpaper

ArenaNet’s official Guild Wars website has been updated with a new Halloween-themed wallpaper depicting the game’s Bone Dragon.

Dungeon Siege II Friday Update

Gas Powered Games has posted another Friday update on the official Dungeon Siege II website, this time providing information about a Nature spell called Wrath of Ice. Its description: Nature Mages command the essence of liquid water to heal their…

Tactica Online Site Update

Imaginary Numbers’ official Tactica Online website has been updated with information about six new skills – Tonic, Feint, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Votive Offering, and Diffusion.

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion E3 2005 Videos

Bethesda’s official Elder Scrolls website has been updated with six different videos that make up the game’s E3 2005 demonstration. If you didn’t get a chance to check out the leaked version a few weeks ago, then make sure to…

Anarchy Online It’s Alive #7

RPG Vault continues their “It’s Alive” series for Anarchy Online, this time discussing the future of the MMORPG and its Lost Eden expansion pack. A snippet, as usual: The GUI has gone through several iterations in the past, with a…

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Previews

Both GameSpot and IGN PC have whipped up hands-on previews of Blizzard’s newly announced World of Warcraft: The Burning Legion expansion pack. A snip from GameSpot’s article: If you’ve played World of Warcraft before, then you won’t be very surprised…

Obsidian’s Chris Avellone Talks RPG Design

The Star Online has conducted an interview with Obsidian Entertainment’s Chris Avellone, quizzing the developer about his past experiences designing RPGs. A little something to get you started: Q: When was the last time you played a game and thought…

The Witcher Feature of the Week

The latest “Feature of the Week” on CD Projekt’s official The Witcher website offers a single piece of concept art depicting a “graveyard on the swamps.”