Gaming News

Two Days of BlizzCon Highlights

Blizzard’s official website has been updated with highlights from the first two days of their BlizzCon event. A snip from Day One: Blizzard president Mike Morhaime kicked off the show with a welcoming speech about Blizzard’s history and growth as…

Dark Age of Camelot: Trials of Atlantis Now Free

Mythic Entertainment has announced that their Dark Age of Camelot: Trials of Atlantis expansion pack is now available as a free download. Good news for returning Camelot players: Hey everyone! Long time players will remember that after a few expansions…

Hellgate: London Preview

WorthPlaying is offering up a preview of Flagship’s Hellgate: London, after checking out a quick demonstration of the demonic RPG. Here’s a bit to start you off: The way the developer outlined the multiplayer component makes it sound like nothing…

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Preview has posted a preview of Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, after chatting with Funcom’s Jorgen Tharaldsen at the recent Austin Game Conference. A little something to start you off: Age of Conan strikes new ground in several areas. Most…

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Preview

RPGamer has written up a preview of Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, based on everything we know about the game up to this point. Check it out: The graphics component of Oblivion was completely designed with the next generation of…

City of Villains Now Available

NCsoft issued a press release earlier today announcing that City of Villains is now available in North America. AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 31, 2005 NCsoft® North America announces that City of Villainsâ„¢, stand-alone sequel to the hit massively multiplayer online PC…

More BlizzCon Coverage

Two more websites are providing coverage of Blizzard Entertainment’s BlizzCon event from this past weekend. The first article is at Houston Vehicles: Throughout the whole arena you could find Blizzard Executives, Developers, and Artists walking around talking to the attendees…

‘What Game Scared You?’ Developer Q&A

To celebrate Halloween, Gamecloud has published a Q&A in which several different developers share their stories about the scariest game they’ve ever played. There are several classic horror titles mentioned, but I’d have to second the vote for the hotel…

Fantasy Artist Keith Parkinson Passes

Renowned fantasy artist Keith Parkinson passed away on October 26th of complications from leukemia. Keith was by far one of the greatest fantasy artists of our time, having worked on numerous covers for Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms manuals at TSR,…

Auto Assault Preview has written up a preview of Auto Assault, after talking with NetDevil’s Scott Brown and NCsoft’s Valerie Massey at the recent Austin Game Conference. A snippet: First off, the beta has been extended. While this is disappointing news to…