Gaming News

Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time providing us with “Dynamic Spawn” maps for the game’s ten original planets. The redone maps include the Combat Level (CL) Ranges for specific color-coded…

Fable: The Lost Chapters Reviews

Three new reviews for Fable: The Lost Chapters have hit the web, all of which offer a positive perspective. The first is at BonusStage with an overall score of 8.9/10: In the end, The Lost Chapters really only fixes what…

Dungeon Siege II Friday Update

Gas Powered Games has posted another Friday update on the official Dungeon Siege II website, this time providing information about a Nature spell called Wrath of Ancestors. Its description: Nature Magic is the oldest of all magic schools, and there…

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Preview has put together a preview of World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, based on what we know about Blizzard’s expansion pack up to this point. An excerpt to follow: Outland, a world ripped asunder, is being designed for the…

Xbox 360 Backward Compatibility List

Microsoft’s official Xbox website has been updated with a list of all the original Xbox games that will be compatible with the new Xbox 360. As far as the games we cover go, these are the titles that are currently…

Shadowbane Progress Report has kicked up a two-page progress report for Shadowbane, in which they take a closer look at how the MMORPG is doing after being online for two-and-a-half years. A snippet: Play to Crush. This is one area in which…

The Witcher Feature of the Week

The latest “Feature of the Week” on CD Projekt’s official The Witcher website offers up two scans of a recent article about the game in Polish newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza. Even if you can’t read the article, it does contain new…

Tactica Online Beta Registration Now Open

Imaginary Numbers has announced on the official Tactica Online website that beta registration is now open for the turn-based MMORPG. The news: The first batch of public testers will be able to start playing in a couple of weeks, and…

Mage Knight: Apocalypse Preview

The guys at 1Up have put together a preview of Mage Knight: Apocalypse, the upcoming action RPG set in WizKids’ tabletop game of the same name. Here’s a bit to start you off: And when you’re ready to take said…

Tactica Online Site Update

Imaginary Numbers’ official Tactica Online website has been updated with information about seven new skills – Anticipation, Whirlwind, Warning Shot, Anathema, Lifeline, and Grenado.