Gaming News

City of Villains Audio Interview

Gaming Steve has posted a new audio interview with Cryptic Studios’ Jack Emmert, in which the creative director and lead designer answers questions about Cryptic’s future, comic books, and, of course, City of Villains.

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse Reviews

A half dozen new reviews for Activision and Raven’s X-Men Legends sequel have reached the web over the past few days. The first is at Gamers Wanted with an overall score of 8.5/10: X-Men Legends II takes everything that you…

World of Warcraft Wallpaper

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with a new wallpaper featuring the Human Racial Shield.

New Guild Wars Profession Confirmed

According to the latest Girls of Gaming magazine, the Assassin will be one of the new professions added in the Chapter Two update for Guild Wars. Check out this thread on the Guild Hall for more information and then click…

City of Villains Q&A

OGaming has conducted an interview with Cryptic Studios’ Jack Emmert, in which the creative director and lead designer talks about the recently released City of Villains. Here’s a taste: Q: Apart from the obvious getting to play a bad guy…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Preview

The folks at CNet have put together a preview of Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach, in which they include commentary from select personnel at both Turbine and Wizards of the Coast. A snippet: The company has built the online version…

Dragonshard v1.1.24 English Patch Coming Soon

Liquid Entertainment developer “Liquid CorpsE” stopped by the official Dragonshard forums to post the notes from the English version of the v1.1.24 patch being released later this week. The full notes: Multiplayer Balance Changes: BALANCE1) Speed up build time of…

GameSpot’s Top 10 Most Exciting 360 Games

GameSpot has published a feature entitled “Top 10 Most Exciting 360 Games”, in which they list what they feel are the new console’s most promising titles. In addition to several action and racing titles, both Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion…

Planescape: Torment Interview

Following yesterday’s interview with lead designer Chris Avellone, we tracked down lead programmer Dan Spitzley to run the same questions past him and get an entirely different viewpoint on the game’s development. Once again, our questions and his answers to…