Gaming News

Tabula Rasa Interview

The Armchair Empire has published an interview with Destination Games’ Richard Garriott, in which the former Ultima developer answers a handful of questions about his upcoming sci-fi MMORPG, Tabula Rasa. Check it out: Q: Can players’ actions have any sort…

Dungeon Siege II Friday Update

Gas Powered Games has posted another Friday update on the official Dungeon Siege II website, this time providing information about the Combat spell Call Lightning. Its description: After fighting Combat Mages for long enough, enemies become used to watching their…

Titan Quest Video Interview

GameSpot is offering up a new four-and-a-half minute video interview with Iron Lore’s Brian Sullivan, in which the company president talks about character creation, unique equipment, modding, and a whole lot of other gameplay elements in their upcoming action RPG,…

Hellgate: London Screenshots

WorthPlaying has gotten their hands on five new screenshots from Flagship Studios’ RPG set in a demon-infested version of England’s capital, Hellgate: London.

Dungeons & Dragons Online Monster Profile #25

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach website has been updated with its twenty-fifth monster profile, this time detailing Spectres. An excerpt about the undead creatures: Among the most powerful undead, yet still common enough for you to be likely…

Hellgate: London Q&A

German gaming site has conducted an interview with Flagship Studios’ Bill Roper, quizzing the former Blizzard designer about their upcoming RPG, Hellgate: London. Here’s a bit to get you started: Q: At the moment the player-community is thinking about…

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald, this time addressing questions about clustering Ector, artifact experience changes, and more. A snippet, as usual: Q: Are you going to allow BG characters…

Titan Quest Previews

Both GameSpot and IGN PC have released updated previews of Titan Quest, after checking out the latest build of Iron Lore’s action RPG. A snip from GameSpot’s article: We also got an update on the character-creation system. When you create…