Gaming News

Star Wars Galaxies: New Game Experience Review

Eurogamer has written up a review of Star Wars Galaxies, giving the “New Game Experience” version an overall score of 7 Here’s why: Admittedly, Sony has done a great job of holding new players by the hand and introducing Star…

Hard Truck: Apocalypse Preview

The guys at Cosmos Gaming have dished up a short preview of Targem Games’ upcoming vehicular RPG, Hard Truck: Apocalypse. An excerpt: Combat is fast paced and fun. A standard truck can only be fitted with one gun, while bigger…

Auto Assault Preview

GamersInfo has written up a preview of NCsoft and NetDevil’s Auto Assault, after spending some firsthand time with the post-apocalyptic vehicular MMORPG. A snippet to follow: Game play is a blast, literally. When you first come into the world you…

Titan Quest World Editor Preview

GameSpy has put together a two-page preview of the world editor that will be included with THQ and Iron Lore’s Titan Quest, after seeing a demonstration of what the editor is capable of. Check it out: After laying down assorted…

RPG Holiday Gift Guides

Both GameSpot and GameSpy have published their yearly holiday gift guides, each of which includes a selection of role-playing games. Titles such as Guild Wars, Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich, and Dungeon Siege II are all included, but I…

Two Worlds Announced

Gamecloud is reporting that Topware Interactive is currently developing an RPG for the PC and Xbox 360 that will be available in late 2006. The game will take place in a medieval setting (or “mid-evil”, as the company’s announcement proclaims…)…

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Peek #4

RPG Vault has published the fourth installment to their ongoing “peek” feature for Funcom’s online RPG, Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures. This time around, the article discusses creating a brutal combat system to fit the Conan universe. A snip: We…

Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time providing us with a short story called “Mystery on Gamma Station.” Here’s a bit to get you started: My trip to Gamma Station was…

More Fallout 3 “Van Buren” Design Documents

No Mutants Allowed has released another set of design documents from Black Isle Studios’ cancelled “Van Buren” (Fallout 3) project. This time, the documents detail Blackfoot & Hangdogs, Jericho, Burham Springs, New Canaan, and the game’s NPCs.

Tactica Online Site Update

Imaginary Numbers’ official Tactica Online website has been updated with a profile of one of the game’s major characters, Grand Master Gilles de Payens. An excerpt: Exemplar of his order’s obsession with mysticism, Gilles is well-studied in the dark arts,…