Gaming News

Mark Jacobs Interview has conducted an interview with Mythic Entertainment’s Mark Jacobs about the company’s current workload and the MMORPG industry as a whole. Check it out: Q: In Asia we see players who are literally playing themselves to death, and there…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Stress Test Event

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach website has been updated with an announcement that there will be another stress test event on Friday, December 16th. While it’s available to all FilePlanet members, you’ll need to be a FilePlanet subscriber…

Mythic Entertainment Interview, Part One

GamerGod has published the first installment of a new interview with Mythic Entertainment’s Sanya Thomas/Weathers and Scott Jennings about Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer Online. An excerpt: Q: So what’s going on with Mythic these days? A: We’re in…

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Q&A has published an interview with Blizzard’s Shane Dabiri, in which the lead producer answers several questions about the upcoming World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade expansion pack. A snippet, as usual: Q: Why did you choose to concentrate on…

Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows Reviews

The first two reviews for Midway’s Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows are now online, but neither one sounds too promising. The first is over at GameSpot with an overall score of 5.2/10: Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows is an attempt to revive an old…

Blood Magic Screenshots

The guys at 3D Gamers have gotten their hands on a dozen new screenshots from Sky Fallen’s upcoming RPG, Blood Magic.

Dungeons & Dragons Online Concept Art

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach website has been updated with a batch of new concept art depicting armor sketches, areas of the city, and more.

EverQuest Titanium Announced

Sony Online Entertainment has issued a press release announcing a new “Titanium” bundle pack for EverQuest that includes the original game and the first ten expansions. SONY ONLINE ENTERTAINMENT ANNOUNCES EVERQUEST® Titanium AN ALL-INCLUSIVE COLLECTION OF EVERQUEST SOE Also Launches…