Gaming News

Games In 2005-2006: Martijn Holtkamp

Gamecloud continues their Q&A series about the games of 2005 and 2006, this time quizzing Larian Studios’ Martijn Holtkamp. A bit of what the Divinity developer had to say: Q: What do you see are the big events and trends…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Beta Journal #6

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach website has been updated with a sixth beta journal, this time offering a quick guide for creating a well-rounded Bard. A snip: You get a huge range of skills, from Haggle to Diplomacy…

MMOG Publishers Conjure Up New Business Models

The Hollywood Reporter has published an article entitled “MMOG Publishers Conjure Up New Business Models”, in which they discuss alternatives to monthly subscriptions for massively multiplayer games. An excerpt: Just last month, Shanghai-based Shanda Interactive Entertainment lopped the price tags…

Gothic III ‘Behind the Scenes’ Feature

The official Gothic III website has been updated with a new “Behind the Scenes” feature, this time with Piranha Bytes’ Sascha Henrichs showing us how he modeled the game’s deserts.

City of Heroes/Villains Holiday Content has posted some preliminary details about the holiday content NCsoft and Cryptic Studios will be launching in City of Heroes and City of Villains tomorrow. A snip: Already, Miss Liberty and Black Scorpion have given out shiny jetpacks the…

Marvel Entertainment and NCsoft Settle Litigation

Marvel Entertainment, NCsoft, and Cryptic Studios have announced that they have settled all litigation brought about over the likeness of Marvel Comics superheroes in City of Heroes. Marvel Entertainment, Inc., NCsoft Corporation, NC Interactive, Inc., Cryptic Studios, Inc. Settle All…

EverQuest II Q&A

OGaming has published another EverQuest II Q&A, this time talking with actor Christopher Lee about his role as the voice of Lucan D’Lere in Sony Online’s MMORPG. An excerpt to follow: Q: Granted, the answer may affect your paycheck at…

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, this time offering a BioWare t-shirt in their online store, downloadable holiday cards, and more. Straight from BioWare’s front page: The official BioWare t-shirt is now…

Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows Reviews

Another set of reviews for Midway Games’ newly released Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows have surfaced on the web. The first is at IGN Xbox with an overall score of 7.0/10: Midway threw in some bells and whistles with a new storyline…

Star Wars Galaxies: New Game Experience Review

IGN PC has written up a three-page review of Star Wars Galaxies: New Game Experience, giving the controversial post-release rollout an overall score of 7.7 Here’s why: The changes to combat definitely make Star Wars Galaxies a more exciting experience…