Gaming News

Darkfall Interview & Screenshots has scored an interview with Adventurine’s Tasos Flambouras, quizzing the developer about their upcoming fantasy MMORPG, Darkfall. Check it out: Q: Your website states that your (crafting system is intuitive, non-repetitive, challenging, useful, fun – and profitable.) Can you…

Gothic II Gold Review

ActionTrip has tossed up a review of Gothic II Gold, giving the Piranha Bytes’ RPG bundle pack an overall score of 85 Their final paragraph to follow: Another good thing is that Gothic 2 Gold costs a mere 19 bucks…

Neverwinter Nights 2 Developer Chat Tonight

The guys at Warcry sent us a reminder earlier today that their Neverwinter Nights 2 developer chat will begin at 6:00PM Pacific time this evening. That’s about twenty minutes from now! The details: When: 01/26/2006 6pm PST Where: (…

PLAY! to Premiere in Chicago

JMP Productions has issued a press release announcing that their PLAY! A Video Game Symphony concert will debut in Chicago and will feature music from Morrowind, Final Fantasy, World of Warcraft, and other video game titles. The full press release:…

Things D&D Veterans Should Know About DDO

GamerGod has written up a new article entitled “Things D&D Veterans Should Know As They Play DDO”, in which they take a closer look at the differences between the tabletop and MMO versions. Some of you may not care for…

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Interview

Ten Ton Hammer has conducted an interview with Sigil Games’ Den Beauvais, quizzing the senior artist about his start in the gaming industry and the work he’s done on Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. An excerpt to follow: Q: Without giving…

The Witcher Feature of the Week

CD Projekt’s official The Witcher website has been updated with a new “Feature of the Week”, this time offering a virtual tour of the game’s development team and their studio. The video is available in both large and small versions.

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which includes a reminder about their Xbox 360 content and information about IGF NWN mod finalists. Straight from BioWare’s front page: We’re giving away Xbox 360s…

EverQuest: Prophecies of Ro Q&A #1 has published the first installment to a new Q&A feature for Sony Online’s EverQuest: Prophecies of Ro expansion pack. Lead designer Travis McGeathy kicks off the first few answers: Q: What is the theme of this new expansion? What…