Gaming News

Mass Effect Interview has published a short interview with BioWare’s Casey Hudson, in which the project director reveals a few new details about their upcoming squad-based action RPG, Mass Effect. A little something to start you off: The Mass Effect team looked…

Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time offering a short story called Imperial Entanglements, character attribute descriptions, and more. A snip: “We’ll be fine.” A smile filled her face. Back on…

Mage Knight: Apocalypse Diary #1

RPG Vault has posted their first developer diary for Mage Knight: Apocalypse, with Namco senior producer Chris Wren filling us in on how the game’s development began and how they chose the playable characters. A snippet to follow: We chose…

Titan Quest Gameplay Trailer

THQ and Iron Lore’s official German website for Titan Quest has been updated with a new 51MB Quicktime trailer showing off some more in-game footage.

Dungeons & Dragons Online Preview

IGN PC has published a three-page preview of Turbine’s Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach, based upon their latest adventures in the game’s beta test. Check it out: As with the character abilities, combat uses the PnP rules but bends them…

Neverwinter Nights 2 Chat Logs

Warcry is offering up two separate chat logs for last night’s Neverwinter Nights 2 IRC chat with several of the game’s developers. The first log is from the “official” chat: Q: Will the Radial menu system be kept? Will we…

Blood Magic Peek #3

RPG Vault has posted the third installment to their ongoing “peek” feature for Sky Fallen’s Blood Magic, this time profiling two more playable characters – The Fat Friar and The Baker’s Wife. A snip about the latter: The Baker’s Wife…

The Lord of the Rings Online Class Update

Turbine’s official The Lord of the Rings Online website has been with additional information and artwork for the Burglar class. A few details: A stealthy trickster, the Burglar can dart in and out of the shadows to befuddle, weaken, or…

Titan Quest Developer Blog Feature

IGN’s Titan Quest Vault has revealed a new blog feature where the Iron Lore developers will be jotting down their experiences during the development of Titan Quest. President and lead designer Brian Sullivan kicks off the blogging: It took us…