Gaming News

EverQuest: Prophecy of Ro Q&A #2 has posted their second Q&A feature for EverQuest: Prophecy of Ro, this time with lead designer Travis McGeathy discussing the lore surrounding the expansion, destructible environments, and more. Here’s a taste: Q: Please tell us how traps work, are…

Hard Truck: Apocalypse Media #5

RPG Vault is offering up the fifth installment to their ongoing media feature for Targem Games’ Hard Truck: Apocalypse, this time bringing us a selection of scenes featuring some of the action RPG’s “bosses.”

Auto Assault Q&A

GameSpot has published a lengthy Q&A with NetDevil president Scott Brown about the last-minute polish the team is applying to their post-apocalyptic vehicular MMORPG, Auto Assault. Here’s a bit to get you started: Q: We understand that outposts, which offer…

Neverwinter Nights 2 Trailer

The very first official trailer for Neverwinter Nights 2 is now available, giving us a brief 53-second glance at Atari and Obsidian Entertainment’s RPG sequel. Head over to WorthPlaying to start downloading it!

Titan Quest Developer Blog #3

Titan Quest animator Brian Labore is the latest team member to provide us with a quick write-up in TQ Vault’s developer blog feature. A snip: Titan Quest has over 80 different monsters in game. These range from more traditional mythological…

EverQuest II: Kingdom of Sky Preview

GameSpot has put together a short preview of EverQuest II: Kingdom of Sky, after spending some firsthand time with the upcoming MMORPG expansion pack. Take a look: Kingdom of Sky will feature many new wide-open areas for players to explore…

Darkfall Peek #20

The twentieth installment to RPG Vault’s “peek” feature for Darkfall is now online, this time detailing the Orkish capital of Flaming Skull. Check it out: The only non-magical way into Flaming Skull is through a massive gate flanked by two…

Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows Reviews

A couple of new reviews for Midway Games’ Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows have recently surfaced on the web. The first is at Eurogamer with an overall score of 5/10: If one player decides to be a jerk, sadly more often than…

Richard Garriott Q&A

GameSpot had the opportunity to fire several questions over to Richard “Lord British” Garriott about his induction into the AIAS Hall of Fame, the development of the Ultima franchise, and his upcoming sci-fi MMORPG, Tabula Rasa. A snippet: Q: Looking…

Neverwinter Nights Interview

The Online Roleplayer has published the interview they did with BioWare’s Jay Watamaniuk while researching their Neverwinter Nights article for