Gaming News

Hard Truck: Apocalypse Media #6

RPG Vault is offering up the sixth installment to their ongoing media feature for Targem Games’ Hard Truck: Apocalypse, this time bringing us a selection of scenes featuring ways you can customize your truck.

GB Feature: Dungeon Lords Collector’s Edition Q&A

We had the opportunity to chat with Heuristic Park’s D.W. Bradley and DreamCatcher’s Robert Stevenson about the new content and features available in the Collector’s Edition of Dungeon Lords. A small morsel: GB: Do you have any plans for Dungeon…

Neverwinter Nights 2 Community Update #1

Obsidian’s public relations manager Shane DeFreest stopped by the official Neverwinter Nights 2 forums to provide us with the game’s first community update. In it, we’re provided with some news about a forthcoming NWN2 website and a short Q&A. The…

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Preview

GameSpot has put together a preview of Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, based on some firsthand time they recently spent with Sigil Games’ MMORPG. An excerpt to follow: We had a chance to do some low-level hunting and quest-solving of our…

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, this time sharing tips for reviewing NWN modules and offering a profile for Jade Empire’s Sky. Straight from BioWare’s front page: Two top reviewers from the…

Vampire: Bloodlines v2.1a Unofficial Patch Released

Another unofficial patch has been released for Troika’s Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, this time updating the game to version 2.1a. Once again, this latest patch requires the official v1.2 patch to be previously installed. The fixes: – Restored welcome…

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Preview

The guys at IGN PC have kicked up a two-page preview of Sigil Games’ Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, after getting some hands-on time with the Unreal-powered fantasy MMORPG. Here’s a bit to get you started: Once you start racking up…

Seal of Evil Q&A

Gaming Nexus has published a three-page Q&A with Object Software product manager Liu Jiang about their upcoming action RPG, Seal of Evil. A snippet, as usual: Q: What is the final weapon count in the game? Are there different (sets)…

The Witcher Team Page Updated

CD Projekt has updated the team page on the official The Witcher website, providing a picture and short profile for each member of the game’s development team.