Gaming News

BioShock Screenshots

Tiscali Games has posted what appears to be the first nine screenshots ever released for Irrational Games’ BioShock. The images were apparently released for a new feature article appearing in the March issue of Game Informer Magazine.

Heroes of Might and Magic V Developer Diary #2

Ubisoft’s official Might and Magic website has been updated with a second developer diary for Heroes of Might and Magic V, this time focusing on the challenges encountered during the beta test. An excerpt to follow: Besides suggestions, getting the…

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Interview

Hard Gamers have conjured up an interview with Bethesda’s Pete Hines, quizzing the PR representative about the company’s highly anticipated RPG, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Here’s a taste: Q: I guess you played the game a lot since the beginning,…

Dungeon Runners Screenshots

NCsoft has released a dozen screenshots showing off their previously unveiled RPG, Dungeon Runners. It’s unknown if the game will feature multiplayer capabilities, but you can form your own conclusion after viewing the images over at WorthPlaying.

GB Feature: Dungeon Lords Collector’s Edition Review

We’ve published a four-page review for Heuristic Park and DreamCatcher’s newly released Dungeon Lords Collector’s Edition, which should help you make the decision on whether or not to spend another $40 on the game. A snippet: If you played (or…

D&D: Wrath of the Dragon God Q&A, Part One

Warcry was able to track down writers Robert Kimmel and Brian Rudnick for a Q&A about their most recent movie project, Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God. In the first portion of the interview, the two writers address…

EverQuest II Podcast Interview

The guys at Game Club Central have posted their first Podcast, which features a lengthy interview with EverQuest II content designer “Moorguard.” Grab the 28MB file right here.

World of Warcraft’s Success Hurting the Industry?

Australian website BigKid has published an article entitled “The Dangers of Monogamey”, in which they explore the possibility that World of Warcraft’s success could be causing fewer games to be purchased. A snippet: I guess this could be considered a…

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald, this time answering questions about bugged inventories, new servers, and more. A little something to get you started: Q: Why did you choose to…

Guild Wars: Factions Preview

GameSpot is offering up an “environment” preview for ArenaNet’s Guild Wars Factions, in which they profile a handful of locations from the upcoming expansion. A snip about the Petrified Forest: Two hundred years ago, the Emperor of Cantha was slain…