Gaming News

The Lord of the Rings Online Interview

Ten Ton Hammer has posted a short interview with Turbine’s Meghan “Patience” Rodberg, in which the community manager addresses a handful of questions about the company’s upcoming MMORPG, The Lord of the Rings Online. Here’s a bit to start you…

Hammer & Sickle Reviews

A trio of new reviews for CDV and Nival’s Hammer & Sickle surfaced on the web over the past few days. The first is at G4 with an overall score of 3/5: Hammer and Sickle has a great premise, mixing…

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Interview

eToychest has conducted an interview with Bethesda Softworks’ Pete Hines, quizzing the PR rep about their much anticipated RPG, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. One Q&A to follow: Q: Where exactly do those Oblivion Portals lead, and how much time…

EverQuest II: Kingdom of Sky Interview #3 has published the third installment to their ongoing interview with Sony Online’s Scott Hartsman about EverQuest II: Kingdom of Sky. A snippet: Q: With the new Character Progression system, will there be more class-specific armor quests? How specific is…

Space Hack Review

The Entertainment Depot has tossed up a review of Space Hack, giving Meridian4 and Rebelmind’s sci-fi action RPG an overall score of 6.5 Here’s why: Space Hack manages to semi-successfully bring the increasingly tired hack-‘˜n’-slash genre into the future, and…

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Interview

GameZone has published an interview with Sigil Games’ Brad McQuaid and Jeff Butler, in which the MMO veterans discuss the technology behind Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. Here’s a snip: Q: Vanguard was first shown at E3 a couple of years…

Titan Quest Developer Blog #5

A fifth installment to the TQ Vault’s developer blog feature is now available, this time with Titan Quest sound designer Scott B. Morton telling us about the time he’s spent writing the music for the action RPG. The intro: As…

Gothic III Preview

The folks at 1Up have posted a preveiw of Gothic III, based on what they know about Piranha Bytes’ ambitious RPG so far. Take a look: Sounds like a certain other massively nonlinear RPG (read: The Elder Scrolls IV), but…

Guild Wars Factions Q&A had the opportunity to sit down with ArenaNet co-founder Jeff Strain for a detailed Q&A about their business model for Guild Wars and the upcoming Guild Wars Factions expansion. Here’s how it starts off: Q: You’re running an MMO…

EverQuest II: Kingdom of Sky Interview

RPG Vault has published a three-page interview with Sony Online’s Scott Hartsman, quizzing the senior producer about the newly released EverQuest II: Kingdom of Sky expansion pack. Check it out: Q: What are Achievements and how does the new system…