Gaming News

City of Villains Review

Gaming Illustrated has kicked up a review of City of Villains, giving NCsoft and Cryptic Studios’ MMORPG an overall score of 80%. Here’s why: City of Villains is a welcome addition to the MMO landscape. As a standalone game, it…

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Preview

GameSpy has put together a two-page preview of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, after spending some firsthand time with the RPG at a recent press event. A little something to start you off: While in the rat-infested dungeons, we got a…

WEBZEN Signs Publishing Deal With Red 5 Studios

WEBZEN, Inc. issued a press release earlier today announcing that they have signed an exclusive agreement to publish the MMORPG in development at Red 5 Studios. WEBZEN SIGNS EXCLUSIVE WORLDWIDE PUBLISHING DEAL WITH FORMER WORLD OF WARCRAFT® DEVELOPERS RED 5…

Heroes of Might and Magic V Preview

The guys at Primotech have written up a preview of Ubisoft and Nival Interactive’s Heroes of Might and Magic V, based on some firsthand time they were able to spend with the RPG/strategy sequel. Check it out: Speaking of turns,…

Darkfall Gameplay Video

Adventurine has released their first gameplay video for Darkfall, offering a look at some in-game footage from the upcoming fantasy MMORPG. Grab it from Worthplaying.

Mage Knight: Apocalypse Interview, Part Two

RPG Vault has tossed up the second installment to their ongoing interview with Namco senior producer David Georgeson about Mage Knight: Apocalypse. Here’s a taste: Q: How would you describe the combat system? Can the player control more than one…

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Preview

One of the bloggers on has put together a preview of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, based on the recent hands-on time he spent with the Xbox 360 version of Bethesda’s RPG. Check it out: Since this is a standard…

Hellgate: London Q&A

Hellgate-spain has conjured up a lengthy Q&A with Flagship Studios’ Bill Roper about their highly anticipated RPG, Hellgate: London. An excerpt to follow: Q: Time to talk about the third and first person views. You had said that Hellgate: London…

Dungeon Masters in Cyberspace

The New York Times has published a two-page article entitled “Dungeon Masters in Cyberspace” that provides a good overview of Turbine’s newly released Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach. A snippet, as usual: While pen-and-paper role playing usually involves thick rule…