Gaming News

Fallout 76 – March 2021 Updates

This month’s development update for Bethesda’s multiplayer survival-RPG Fallout 76 starts by talking about some new features you’ll soon be able to sample on the Public Test Server and then proceeds to highlight a few upcoming events and community activities.…

Gamedec February 2021 Update and Slums Lore

Anshar Studios brings us a fresh progress update for their cyberpunk detective RPG Gamedec. By the looks of it, things are starting to come together for this project, with the developers now focusing the majority of their efforts on tightening…

Geneforge 1: Mutagen Review

Following the recent launch of Geneforge 1: Mutagen, we can check out this hefty 9/10 Turn Based Lovers review of the latest Spiderweb Software remaster and learn what’s new, what’s been changed, and whether now’s a good time to revisit…

The One Ring RPG Kickstarter Campaign Successfully Funded

The second edition of The One Ring, Free League’s J.R.R Tolkien-inspired tabletop RPG, has been successfully funded through Kickstarter. Perhaps “successfully” is a bit of an understatement though, seeing how the project initially looked to raise $12,000, but ended up…

Torchlight III – Echtra Games Acquired by Zynga

Zynga, a prominent mobile game developer, seems to have acquired Echtra Games, the team behind Torchlight III. According to this Business Wire press release, the Max Schaefer-run outfit will help expand Zynga’s reach to the more stationary platforms. And to…

Magic: Legends Updates – Characters and Difficulty

With Cryptic Studios’ multiplayer action-RPG Magic: Legends heading into open beta on March 23, 2021, we get to check out a couple of fresh development updates. The first one introduces us to a handful of Magic: The Gathering heroes and…

Divinity: Original Sin – The Board Game Update #26

Origin Stories are the main subject of the latest Kickstarter update for the Divinity: Original Sin board game. By the looks of it, they’ll introduce some extra roleplaying opportunities for your characters and result in certain unique encounters. And beyond…