Gaming News

The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Preview

Now that the Morrowind expansion for The Elder Scrolls Online is looming on the horizon, Rock, Paper, Shotgun has a preview focused on determining just how much of Morrowind is in this new expansion. The article tries to answer whether…

Mass Effect: Andromeda – Mike Gamble on Combat and Classes

BioWare producer Mike Gamble talks about the changes to Mass Effect: Andromeda’s combat and character systems compared to the previous installments in this four-minute IGN video. Despite its short length, the video is packed with bits and pieces of information…

Middle-earth: Shadow of War Revealed

It appears that Warner Bros. will be making a game announcement in the near future, as multiple outlets ranging from NeoGAF to PC Gamer are reporting that the previously unannounced action RPG sequel Middle-earth: Shadow of War made a brief…

George Ziets Interview, Part Two

The second installment in Forbes’ four-part interview with veteran RPG designer George Ziets is now online, with this particular entry focusing on “Collaboration in Game Development” and the role that collaboration plays in his current position on Torment: Tides of…

Grim Dawn Celebrates 1-Year Anniversary

On February 25th, Crate Entertainment’s spiritual successor to Titan Quest, the action-RPG Grim Dawn celebrated its first birthday. Congratulations on that! To date, the game has sold nearly a million copies and had a bunch of content added since release;…

Matt McDaid on Mastering the Stylized Art

80 level has an article-style interview with Matt McDaid who’s had an extensive career in 3D modeling. Among other things, like working for the British military, McDaid was involved with a few of the Blizzard Entertainment’s projects, namely Diablo III:…

GB Feature: Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Interview

While Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire is now successfully funded and moving on toward more stretch goals following its Fig campaign, I was able to sit down with Obsidian Entertainment CEO Feargus Urquhart earlier this month and chat with him…

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Interview

While Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire is now successfully funded and moving on toward more stretch goals following the Fig campaign, I was able to sit down with Obsidian Entertainment CEO Feargus Urquhart earlier this month – before the past…