Gaming News

Styx: Shards of Darkness Interview

Cyanide’s Lead Level Designer, Julien Desourteaux spoke to WCCF Tech about Cyanide’s upcoming stealth game, Styx: Shards of Darkness. In the interview, Desourteaux discussed the lovable goblin protagonist, Styx and his franchise potential, new features in Shards of Darkness in…

Unknown Realm: The Siege Perilous Interview

The developers behind Unknown Realm: The Siege Perilous have mentioned in their recent Kickstarter update that they didn’t have much time for PR and as such had only one interview planned for the near future. That interview is now up…

Tom Clancy’s The Division Free Year 2 Content Plans Revealed

In celebration of Tom Clancy’s The Division first anniversary, Julian Gerighty, Creative Director at Massive Entertainment has revealed their plans for the upcoming year. Apart from an anniversary event, players can expect two free expansions for the game to come…

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Screenshots

It’s an amazing time to be a hard-working, independent game developer, as PC Gamer’s 303rd issue (due for release tomorrow) will have none other than TaleWorlds’ Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord gracing its cover with “the most ambitious sandbox RPG…

Catomic Indie Shout Out Header

Catomic Mobile Puzzle Game on iOS and Android

As many of you are no doubt aware, a cat’s education is very important. If you don’t get all your feeding bottles lined up and your kittens neatly put in a row, there’s no way they’ll make it through to…

Middle-earth: Shadow of War Gameplay Trailer

There’s a new alpha gameplay trailer for Middle-earth: Shadow of War, during which the team at Warner Bros. showcases one of the primary features of the updated Nemesis system, Nemesis Fortresses. Here’s a quick intro: Witness firsthand the next generation…

Necromunda: Underhive Wars Interview on Level Design

In a promotional post on PCGamesN, aimed at showcasing the advantages of Unreal Engine 4, Rogue Factor developers talk about their upcoming title, Necromunda: Underhive Wars. Despite this being presented as a sponsored pro-Unreal article, in its essence it’s still…