Gaming News

Underworld Ascendant A New Look

The latest progress update from OtherSide Entertainment on their dungeon crawler, Underworld Ascendant is relatively short compared to the past few entries and instead it focuses on showing off the game’s new and updated visuals. Here’s the text part of…

Conan Exiles Interview with Oscar Lopez

During PAX East 2017, WCCF Tech has managed to interview Oscar Lopez, the Lead Designer for Conan Exiles, Funcom’s survival game. They talked about how the Early Access has been treating the game, the future plans to introduce proper siege…

Beamdog Client Refresh, GOG Galaxy Out of Beta

In some semi-generalized and DRM-eschewing news that directly affects classic RPG fans, I thought I’d call out the fact that the team at Beamdog has released a new client that features “DRM-free versions of your purchased games, easy-to-access forum links,…

Richard Garriott Interview on IGN Unfiltered

On the latest episode of IGN Unfiltered, IGN’s interview show, Richard “Lord British” Garriott talked about his book, haunted houses, the Ultima games, going into space, and Elon Musk. The first part of the video interview available on the IGN website…

Dark Souls III Patch 1.11 Detailed

In preparation for Dark Souls III’s The Ringed City DLC that comes out on March 28, 2017, the game is going to receive a significant 1.11 patch on March 24. It will improve performance on PS4 Pro, add new PVP…

Diablo III Patch 2.5.0 Released

Making good on their promises, Blizzard Entertainment rolled out the v2.5.0 patch for Diablo III and its Reaper of Souls expansion pack earlier today, which ushers in the new primary ancient items, difficulty tweaks, a bevy of fixes, and more.…

1ALL Controller Nintendo Switch 04

ALL Controller – The World’s First Smart Gamepad

If you follow the gaming world, you’ll no doubt notice the amount of “new” technology and software available. Well, here we have something very new indeed. The ALL controller. This piece of tech has taken into account that everyone enjoys…