Gaming News

Reflections on the Depth of Diablo II

I think most people who spent a good deal of time playing Diablo II would still extoll its virtues on the gameplay side of things, so it really doesn’t come as a surprise to see a critical reflection up on…

Mass Effect: Andromeda Animation Problems Explained

The folks at GamesRadar+ delved into the depths of Twitter and found a few quotes from a former BioWare, now Naughty Dog, animator, Jonathan Cooper that can shed some light on the issues Mass Effect: Andromeda is having with its…

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What’s In A Story: The Function of a World

Two weeks ago I deviated from my game development series and began a mini-series on what goes into a story. In the first article of this mini-series, I distinguished between story and plot, outlining the nature and purpose of storytelling.…

Styx: Shards of Darkness “Accolades” Trailer

Do you want to hear what the press has to say about Focus Home and Cyanide’s Styx: Shards of Darkness while being subjected to “utterly awful jokes” (per IGN)? Well then, you’re in luck, as the team has cranked out…

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog #15

The latest post on the Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord’s developer blog talks a lot about the quests in the game, how their design will differ from what we’ve seen in Mount & Blade: Warband, and how fostering relationships with…

Wasteland 3 Post-funding Update #18

The latest post-funding update for Wasteland 3 brings us up to speed with the development process. New developers are joining the project and things are moving along in the pre-production phase. Prototyping, zone design, and concept art departments are well…

Dishonored 2 Update 3 Available

Stealth-action RPG, Dishonored 2 has recently received a new update across the platforms that fixed some issues with AMD GPUs, and squashed a bunch of bugs, as announced on Bethesda forums. Here are the PC patch notes: Fixed a bug…