Gaming News

Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forest Announced

We’ve been monitoring the news regarding the next project of Almost Human, the studio behind the Legend of Grimrock games, for some time now. Surprisingly enough, we’ve now learned that Almost Human is put on ice, as a game-developing entity,…

Mass Effect: Andromeda Dialogue System Analyzed

GameInformer’s editors decided to discuss the benefits and the pitfalls of Mass Effect: Andromeda’s new dialogue system. Read on to find out whether or not the new system is any better than the old Paragon/Renegade one. An excerpt: Elise: I’ve…

Adam Hetenyi Video Interview on Designing The Surge

Adam Hetenyi, the Head of Game Design at Deck13, participated in a video interview on the ACG YouTube channel. The hour-long conversation revolved around Adam’s experiences in the gaming industry and the particulars of his work on the upcoming sci-fi…

Conan Exiles Developer Livestream

An hour long livestream session with the game’s developers shows off the dungeoneering aspects of Conan Exiles. After going through it, I have to say, it looks much better then the usual survival gameplay of punching rocks for three hours.…

Neverwinter: Shroud of Souls Announced

The next update for the fast-paced MMO, Neverwinter, has been announced. Shroud of Souls continues the story of The Cloaked Ascendancy and pits the players against an ancient necromancer. It also adds some new features. Have a look: On May…

Ultima VI: The False Prophet on The Digital Antiquarian

The latest Digital Antiquarian blog entry talks about Ultima VI: The False Prophet. The post is quite extensive and includes photos, screenshots, and excerpts from a variety of books. The history of how Ultima VI got made, its influences and…

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Preview

In a sort-of preview/interview with TaleWorlds’ CEO Armagan Yavuz, PC Gamer takes a look at the upcoming Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. The aricle conveys the journey of Yasmin, a character in a demo version that serves as a vessel…

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What’s In A Story: Write and Read

Lately I’ve been writing pieces on the nature of storytelling. This should be the last piece in the mini-series, for I am running out of ideas and readers are perhaps charging me with beating a dead horse. So, I figure…

Sinoalice Trailer News Header

Sinoalice Gameplay Trailer Revealed

Sinoalice – Weird skull guy brings anime girls and murderous fairy tale characters to the App Store Sinoalice, the upcoming free to play mobile game, directed by Yoko Taro of the Nier and Drakengard series and published by Square Enix…