Gaming News

Battle Brothers Reviews

Now that people have had some time to spend with Overhype Studios’ strategic RPG title, Battle Brothers, we have a batch of reviews to read. The general impressions range from mildly optimistic to highly positive. See for yourself: PC Gamer…

JRPG Origins on the PC

When talking about JRPGs, people immediately imagine a console title or series. And in general, consoles and JRPGs are closely intertwined. However, this article on PC Gamer looks back at the genre’s history and finds out that the PC platform…

System Shock Retrospective

An article on Medium provides a detailed and extensive look at the history and specifics of the game that kicked off its own subgenre of first person shooters, and served as an inspiration for everyone’s beloved Deus Ex, among other…

David Wesely on RPGs and NES

The 373rd episode of Matt Barton’s Matt Chat series features the final installment of his interview with Maj. David Wesely. The interview’s finale covers a lot of topics, most notably the differences and similarities between tabletop and computer roleplaying, and…

Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption Interview with Corey Cole

The Gamer HUD has a new interview with one of the developers behind Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption, Corey Cole. The game is a spiritual successor of sorts to the RPG/adventure hybrid series, Quest for Glory, and the interview serves as…

The Banner Saga 3 Interview

The folks at GameWatcher have managed to interview John Watson, Stoic’s Technical Director. The interview talks about the final part of The Banner Saga, as well as Stoic’s plans for the future. An excerpt: GameWatcher: In the past, there’s been…

BloodLust 2: Nemesis Announced

A website that positively looks like the most post-Matrix 90s thing ever, announced the development of BloodLust 2: Nemesis, the sequel to 2015’s BloodLust: Shadowhunter by WRF Studios. I have to admit, I’ve never heard about this series prior to…

State of Decay 2 Your Fellow Survivors

The latest post on the developer blog for State of Decay 2 describes an important part of the State of Decay experience – your fellow survivors. You can read about the process of creating these NPCs, and see some concept…

SpellForce 2: Anniversary Edition Released

It’s been over 10 years since the initial release of SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars. To celebrate this occasion, a new and improved Anniversary Edition, that includes the base game and its Dragon Storm expansion, is being released. You can buy…