Gaming News

Deus Ex Postmortem with Warren Spector

During the GDC 2017, Warren Spector has talked about the development of the original Deus Ex, sharing quite a few anecdotes from back in the day, and describing what exactly an ‘Immersive Sim’ is. An hour-long recording is now available…

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Update #30

In case you’ve ever wondered how those crafty developers at Obsidian Entertainment create areas for their games, the 30th Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Fig update talks precisely about that. We get treated to an overview of the area-creation process,…

Bruce Bethke Comments on the Cyberpunk Trademark

World Trademark Review Blog has managed to contact Bruce Bethke, the author who coined the term ‘cyberpunk’ back in the 80s. They asked him about his thoughts on CD Projekt RED’s attempts to apply for a trademark based on the…

Grab the Bottle Early Access Preview Header

Grab the Bottle Early Access Preview

Grab The Bottle from developer Kamina Dimension hit Steam early access back in December of 2016. I finally got around to taking a look at the unique puzzle game, and its simple design brings forth something rather addictive. You play…

The Elder Scrolls Online Warden Class Guide

Warden is the new class coming to The Elder Scrolls Online on June 6, 2017, when the Morrowind expansion releases. A guide on the game’s official website describes the Warden’s abilities through a number of lists and a few bite-sized…

Richard Cobbett on The CRPG Book

The latest of Richard Cobbett’s RPG Scrollbars columns succinctly summarizes Felpie Pepe’s CRPG Book project, while giving a sort-of review for the book in its current state. In case you were interested in this book but wanted to know what…

Grim Dawn Grim Misadventures #116

Path of Exile’s robust passive skill tree has definitely left its mark on the action-RPG genre. Grim Dawn’s spin on this system, the Devotion Sky, is the subject of the latest development update, Grim Misadventure #116. We get treated to…