Overwatch Year of the Rooster Event on Jan 24th

For those of us still pining over the finish of the last Overwatch Event, Winter Wonderland there is some news out of the Blizzard camp. The next event for those plucky and let’s be honest fairly murderous Overwatch heroes is based on the Chinese New Year of the Rooster. The event is due for release next Tuesday 24th January, so you still have a little under a week to start saving up all those loot boxes.

If you were one of the many players disappointed with Mei’s Winter Wonderland skin, then there’s a little treat for you in the form of a Mei oriental style skin just for you.

On the subject of skins, I’ve always felt that D.Va’s skin’s leave a lot to be desired. I feel that considering she is in a large Mech killing machine her skins should be some of the most spectacular in the game. Although she’s getting her own skin, as shown in the below screenshot, it’s still not as awesome as a skin could be for her, but beggars can’t be choosers. Hopefully, the remaining skins in the event will be a little more adventurous.

DVA New Year Event Skin

There will of course be much more in the Year of the Rooster event, it won’t just be the addition of an ‘apology Mei skin’ and a rather standard D.Va skin. Oh no. Just like the Overwatch events that have been released previously. The Year of the Rooster event will be jam-packed with new skins, voice-lines, and highlight intros for many of the Overwatch heroes. They have also promised a special event brawl match in a similar vein to Dr Junkenstein’s Revenge and Mei’s Snowball Offensive.

We’re starting to see a few more details leaked about the remaining skins. Such as this…Overwatch Year of the Rooster Skins Leaked Image …and with the release date being next Tuesday, more details are bound to be released very soon.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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