Overwatch Doomfist Rumours and What we Know

For anyone with even just a passing interest in Blizzards immensely popular First Person Shooter Overwatch, the name Doomfist must be becoming more and more familiar. Wherever you go whispered rumours are being heard and fan theories on this mysterious character are becoming more and more prevalent. Though just who is this Doomfist character and why are people so damn sure he’s going to be the next character to be added to Overwatch? I’ve done my best to filter through the rather oblique and often unproven info to bring you the below. So read on…

Let’s start with the easy stuff.

Who is Doomfist?

Doomfist appears to not really be a person but rather a name that goes with the occupier of one of a few rather impressive and powerful gauntlets known as the Doomfist. So far three people, that we know of have held the title…

In a similar vein to the Timelords in Doctor Who they each have a subtitle…

  • “The Savior” – Adhabu Ngumi (Adhabu Ngumi translates to DoomFist in Swahili)
  • “The Scourge” – Akinjide Adeyemi
  • “The Successor” – Not much is known about him, so many people are starting to suspect that it is this iteration that will become the playable character in Overwatch.

It’s fairly safe to assume that the last incarnation of Doomfist was more villain than hero, as it was Winston who defeated him.

The above trailer shows Widowmaker and Reaper fighting other hero’s in order to get the gauntlet, whether they are doing this for Doomfist or for themselves is unknown.

Through, all the rumours and images of him being some Goliath of a man wearing the gauntlet, another idea is starting to become very popular. In the trailer above the gauntlet was picked up and used by a young boy as he fought off Widowmaker. Many people think that it is this young boy who is to become the new Doomfist. It would certainly make sense, this young boy would not be too over powered and he does have that whole courageous, brave thing going on that Blizzard tends to go for.

Why Could Doomfist be the Next Overwatch Hero

Well, clues have been popping up all over the place. This is usually a good indication that something is coming, but it’s these things specifically that are leading everyone into thinking it’s going to be Doomfist.

Firstly, you may have noticed that it is [one of the] Doomfist’s that is the payload in the Numbani scenario.

Numbani Doomfist Gauntlet

Well, Reddit user Venxa found a different model for that payload where the glass had been shattered, and DoomFist had been taken.

Smashed Doomfist Crate

We have Terry Crews. The rumour is that Terry Crews is to voice Doomfist himself, though outside the enthusiasm he is showing and a mock audition for Yahoo eSports there isn’t any concrete evidence.

Terry Crews Doomfist Road

A little more tenuously, is that the Overwatch PTR music has been changed to the theme that plays during the Overwatch trailer, while the heroes are fighting over the Doomfist. Although this is circumstantial, it is still a connection to him.


Honestly, nobody knows. Hazarding a guess would be difficult as we don’t know what type of character we would be basing the skills on. The giant villainous Reinhardt size character or a pint-sized plucky adolescent.

Release Date

Another big question mark, nobody really knows. Though, there is now speculation that his release will be tied in to coincide with a rumoured in-game holiday called Unity Day. Unity Day, according to the Overwatch wiki…

“Known as the “City of Harmony,” Numbani is one of the few places where omnics and humans live as equals. This collaboration has led to the creation of one of the world’s greatest and most technologically advanced cities in the short time since its establishment after the end of the Omnic Crisis. As part of this year’s Unity Day festivities celebrating the city’s founding, the gauntlet of the infamous Doomfist is being exhibited at the Numbani Heritage Museum.”

Doomfist Gauntlet Overwatch

So, again it makes sense there is that Doomfist connection. However, the actual date for this is still highly rumoured, and nobody really knows. Are we to expect another painfully long and cryptic ARG like we had for Sombra or something more simple this time. I think it’s fair to assume that they’ll release Doomfist (if indeed he is to released at all) in their own sweet time.

Stay tuned to Zombiechimp, we’ll bring you more Doomfist Overwatch news when we have it.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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