Overlord: Fellowship of Evil “Minionstry of Information – Evil is as Evil Does” Video

With a title like “Minionstry of Information – Evil is as Evil Does”, you know you’re getting yourself into some interesting gameplay footage territory as you prepare for the release of Codemasters’ Overlord: Fellowship of Evil next week (on October 20th, to be exact). Just over a minute of video viewing pleasure below:

And here’s the accompanying press release that mentions the October 20th release date for the action RPG:


Monday October 12th (2pm UK) The devious development minions at Codemasters today unearthed the latest video for Overlord: Fellowship of Evil, their digital only, angelically-priced, devilishly fun Action RPG which is coming to PlayStation® 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One and Windows PC on October 20th.

As the video discusses, while looking suitably terrifying is important to up-and-coming NetherghÅ«ls, being truly evil isn’t just about having the biggest sword, or the pointiest shoulder pads. To be truly nefarious, one must consider the killing, the pillaging and many other important aspects, including the (ever popular evisceration and immolation of your colleagues).

(The NetherghÅ«ls in Overlord: Fellowship of Evil are a real bunch of ne’er-do-wells, as you’d expect from an Overlord game.) said Carl Johnson, Chief Design Minion, Codemasters (They’re as likely to stab each other in the back as they are to work together.)

(Evilis about more than just looks, it’s a way of life.) said Gnarl, Evil Minion Master (There’s the carnage! And the looting! And the running-away-very-fast-avoiding-horrific-death.) Overlord: Fellowship of Evil will be available on October 20th. Gamers who pre-order the game on the Steam store can grab themselves some exclusive Team Fortress 2 hats for their minions plus ‘˜Da Big Book of Art’ Digital Artbook and from today Xbox One owners can pre-order the game on the Xbox digital store with a 10% discount.

Overlord: Fellowship of Evil is a dark and twisted Action RPG filled with the series’ signature black humour. Penned by award-winning original Overlord scriptwriter Rhianna Pratchett, Overlord: Fellowship of Evil delivers an epic new quest featuring four NetherghÅ«ls undead servants of the dark arts, resurrected in the absence of a true Overlord, to bring evil back to a world overrun by the forces of good.

Assisting gamers once again are the mighty, maniacal and occasionally moronic minions, ready to unleash their charmingly chaotic brand of destruction and led by Gnarl, their wise old master, voiced, as before, by actor Marc Silk.

Players will embark on a brand new Overlord adventure filled with fun combat and twisted fantasy tales in single-player or with up to three friends in local and online single-screen co-op. Overlord: Fellowship of Evil invites players to dive into an Action RPG where it’s good to be bad, but it’s GREAT to be evil.

Overlord: Fellowship of Evil invades digital stores on consoles and Steam for Windows PC on October 20th. Follow the Codemasters minions’ progress towards world domination on the Codemasters Blog and on social media on Twitter and Facebook.

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